March 26, 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm Neville Hall Rm 208 Q and A with Cat Sebastian followed by romance-writing workshop Do you enjoy reading romances? Could […]
March 26th, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Neville Hall Rm 208 Come talk with Cat Sebastian about her latest novel, We Could Be So Good (2023) and also more broadly, writing for […]
Thursday Feb. 15th 6:00 to 8:00pm.
Interfaith Luncheon Thursday Feb. 8th, 11:30 to 1:00
Opening Reception Sunday Feb. 4th, 3:00pm.
Tuesday January 23, 7 to 8:30 pm. Orono Performing Arts Center: Queer Stories Tell the Truth
Have a safe and fun Spring Break.
PRESIDENTS DAY (Passcode: 748297)
I am pleased to announce that Dean Emily Haddad has appointed Associate Professor of WGS and English Elizabeth Neiman as the next WGS Program Director. Congratulations to Elizabeth who has been a devoted member of the WGS program at the University of Maine for more than 10 years. Her long experience in the program, on […]
Pacifist Heroines and WImens Warriors: Western and Chinese Paths to Women's Rights Student Conversation: 9:00 am Hill Auditorium, Barrows Hall Lecture: 2:00 pm Hill Auditorium, Barrows Hall MS Poster1 use this 3-9-2022 "Rose Nichol's work in Women's Peace Movement for Guerrilla Opera Project" (video) April 11 READING FLYER The above link has two […]
Friends and colleagues of the late Professor Ann Schonberger are invited to celebrate her life and accomplishments at 2:30 on Saturday, April 9th, Minsky Recital Hall. Light refreshments will be served after the service. A professor of mathematics and scholar in the area of STEM education and gender, Ann served from 1991-2013 as Director of the Women's Studies (later Women, […]
DSB lecture poster1-3-1update “Although Professor Becerra’s lecture is on Zoom, WGS is providing a place for interested audience members to gather in Hill Auditorium where they can watch the lecture together and share discussion, conversation, and community while watching and discussing the lecture. Refreshments served.” Zoom link:
history_symposium_roberts Zoom
Black feminism and me_ME poster 6pm Zoom
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies presents a colloquium, "Feminist Media History: Women Journalists at War" on Monday, November 8, 12:00 - 12:50 pm. The event will be a remote zoom […]
Please contact Willson Center if you prefer to do this via Zoom, information on flyer.
Jewish Feminist Liberation and Right to Prayer: Guest Speaker Rachel Pellis Nov 3rd, 12-1 PM, Memorial Union Room 312
Every first and third Tuesday at 4:30 at Corbett Room 210
Whos Your Daddy Event Flier General admission tickets are $10.00 per person and are available online at, by calling 207.581.1341, or at the box office.
Climb with Pride from 530-730pm at Maine Bound Adventure Center
Wilde Stein Lawn Games 4pm-5pm Parade Of Flags 10-12pm Aromantic Flag 12-2pm Penobscot Flag 2-4pm Black Lives Mater Flag
12:15pm on the Campus Mall 10-12pm Non-Binary Flags 12-2pm Gender Fluid Flag 2-4pm Lesbian Flag
Come Paint with Pride in Room 312 Memorial Union
Black Cultural Appropriation In the White LGBTQ+ Community featuring Rob Jackson Memorial Union Room 314. Multicultural Student Center ALL ARE WELCOME FREE MEAL PROVIDED Parade of Pride Flags 10-12:00pm Intersex Flags 12:00pm-2pm Asexual Flag 2:00pm- 4:00PM Agender Flag
Please meet in room 420 for Graduate Student discussion group with Dr. Banu Subramaniam 3:330-4:30pm
WGS is proud to announce that Dr. Banu Subramaniam, a leader in the field of Feminist Science and Technology Studies, has been selected by the Geddes W. Simpson Distinguished Lecture Committee to give this year's Simpson lecture. Dr. Subramaniam's work focuses on the interconnected histories of botany, zoology, colonialism, race, nationalism, and xenophobia. The Geddes Wilson S. […]
Location Change: to Pierce Park, Bangor, Maine. On Saturday October 2nd, woman around the world will be marching against restrictive abortion bills that have been spreading throughout the country. The community of Orono will be rallying in support of Pro-Choice policy. If you want to stand for Women's right to choose privacy, and affordable accessible […]
SASS provides support and information to those in the US who choose to use abortion pills on their own through secure, online communications with trained counselors who are based overseas. The SASS webpage,, includes misoprostol-only and mifepristone/misoprostol protocols. We seek to reduce any negative health impact associated with unsafe abortion methods, and to ensure that self-managed abortions […]
Please meet in 420 Chadbourne for Friday, Sept. 24, 12:30 - 1:30 pm faculty discussion group of Subramaniam's work
After the targeted assult on campus, there’s never been a better time to come together to show our support and stand up for the LGBTQIA+ community. Both LGBTQIA+ and Allies are welcome to come and listen. We are here, and we will be heard. Come join us on the University Mall this Thursday, 9/23, at […]
The McGillicuddy Humanities Center is sponsoring a two-night research showcase event, “The Stories We Tell,” featuring the research and creative work of our four graduating undergraduate student fellows. Join the events via Zoom here. WGS Minor Nola Prevost, “All The Girls In The Woods: Feminist Fairy Tales for the Modern World” Nola Prevost will present selections from her original […]
Event is free and you can make reservations here.
WGS Instructors Julie Jenkins and Lindsey Piper will be showing "Belly of the Beast" during their WGS 201 class on Reproductive Health on Tuesday, April 13, from 5:45 to 7:05 PM (Class is from 5:30-7:50). All are welcome to attend. Belly of the Beast is about the illegal sterilization of women of color. Here’s the Zoom […]
Please join me on Monday (4/12) 12-1 PM for a talk by Dr. Amelia Couture Bue, Assistant Professor, CMJ, UMaine, titled: "Recruiting Women to STEM: Framing of STEM in Admissions Viewbooks." Connection info: Link: Meeting ID: 880 2726 9912 Password: 990136 Telephone: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 […]
The Maryann Hartman Awards Ceremony for our 2020 awardees will take place on Thursday, March 25, at 5 PM via Zoom. You can register here.
Join us on International Women’s Day for an inspirational conversation celebrating women in higher education leadership International Women’s Day (IWD) has been observed since 1911, and is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. To mark this important day, we're excited to bring together a panel of women […]
It's International Women's Day - Celebrate Women!!
Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Music sorority is hosting virtual women in music events on three (3) Saturdays in March: March 6th, March 13th, and March 27th at 5;15 PM. These events feature women and nonbinary speakers from the music profession as they discuss their careers and experiences. Please feel free to share this information with […]
Maine Film Center has an upcoming Cinema in Conversation event that might be of interest to the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies department. We’d love if you could forward this to your colleagues and/or students. We started this series as a way to connect with our audience during the cinema’s closure due to COVID-19, through […]
A Legacy of Advocacy: A Reflection on the History of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the University of Maine (online) February 25 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm The President’s Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is hosting its inaugural session for the Nine Pillars of Diversity Lectures Series. Guest Lecturer: Dr. JoAnn Fritsche, Former Director of Equal […]
The Women and Climate Change course (WGS 301) will include a series of lectures on Thursdays at their class meeting time of 2:15 to 3:45 PM. To register for all these events, see […]
"Discussion du Cupbette"* on Franco-American Women’s Future and Life Changing Events Tuesday, Nov. 17th at 3-4:30 PM. Rhea Côté Robbins, Susan Poulin, Ellen LaFleche, and Kristin Langellier, Ph.D. will present their views on life changing events and choices they made for their future selves as Franco-American women/girls. The focus of this panel is on the future of the […]
Please join us for a Zoom panel on Tuesday, October 27 at 5:00 pm on "Let's talk about sex... and justice." Two of the three speakers at this panel will be Julie Jenkins and Lindsey Piper who will be teaching WGS 201, "Sexual and Reproductive Health and Justice," in Spring 2021. Our panelists: Lindsey Piper of […]
Title: A white guy talks about himself: revelations about identity and liberation Description: Suppose I start by stating that I am a straight white cis man from a working-class family. What does that even mean? How does it affect my actions, my values, and my decision to give this talk? Is this talk problematic? Do we […]
Thursday, October 8, 2020, 12:30 pm via Zoom UMaine Explores Gendered Environmental Issues Join three University of Maine scholars and advocates to discuss Women and the Environment. Our topics will be wide-ranging including ecofeminism and early women activists like Rachel Carson whose scientific contributions to our understanding of ecosystems and pesticides led to wider public […]
7th Annual UMaine March Against Domestic Violence (MADV) Wednesday, Oct 7 at noon via Facebook live stream: