Sarah Vogel, Ph.D., Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Co-Advisor: Joseph Zydlewski – Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Co-Advisor: Cynthia Loftin – Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
Start Date: Fall 2020
M.S. 2020, Wildlife Ecology, University of Maine
B.A. 2013, Environmental Biology, Tennessee Technological University
B.A. 2013, Wildlife Science, Tennessee Technological University, 207.581.2838
Biography: I grew up in Wisconsin and have lived in New York, Arizona, and Tennessee. I have lived in Maine for several years now and have fallen in love with the landscape, wildlife, and people. I love being outdoors and exploring new places with my dog Juliet. Together, we’re always up for a hike or really any adventure! Beyond my research, I enjoy rockhounding, helping others with fieldwork, and lazy days on the river.
Current Research: My current research focuses on the U.S. Geological Survey, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Program (CRU). The CRU is a cooperative program aimed at enhancing graduate education and at facilitating research and technical assistance among its federal, state, and private partners. There are currently 41 units (with more planned) in 39 states, each contributing valuable research in fisheries and wildlife science and training natural resource professionals. My work aims to characterize the current state of the CRU, identify variability across the units, and link attributes to “success”. In particular, I am interested in how relationships among cooperators (internal and external) shape program outcomes, the effect of regional variability, and diversity across the units and cooperating organizations.