Maisie Merz, M.S., Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Co-Advisor: Alessio Mortelliti – Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
Co-Advisor: Sydne Record – Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
Start Date:  Fall 2021
B.A. 2021, Biology, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, 207.581.1340

Brief Biography: I’m from Rochester, NY, and grew up hiking in the Adirondacks, where I came to love being outside and learning about the world around me. I’ve worked on various projects with fish, amphibians, and birds but across these different organisms, I have always been interested in animal behavior. In my free time, I love to run, hike, read, and swim!

Current Research: My research explores the consequences of animal personality on ecological processes and population-level responses to anthropogenic change. Specifically, I am investigating the effects of small mammal personality on seed dispersal decisions and habitat selection.