Latest Past Events

Outstanding Graduate Student Awards due – NSFA

Outstanding Master’s Degree Student Award Edith M. Patch Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award Outstanding Service Award Jean A. and David A. Webb Outstanding Professional Master’s Degree Student Award

Outstanding Graduate Student Awards due – NSFA

Outstanding Master’s Degree Student Award Edith M. Patch Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award Outstanding Service Award Jean A. and David A. Webb Outstanding Professional Master’s Degree Student Award

WFCB Seminar Series: Graduate Curriculum

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Edwin Njuguna

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Marcos Rodriguez

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Bill Sutton

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Rachel Darling

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Stevie Benson

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

WFCB Seminar Series: Toby Kock

Room 204 Nutting Hall

To participate via Zoom, use this link: ID: 879 9681 5882 Passcode: 712963)

Seminar Series – Dr. Andy Danylchuk

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Andy Danylchuk, University of Massachusetts Amherst In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: For the Love of Fish and Fishing: Leveraging Passions for Conservation Actions

Seminar Series – Rosemary Mosco

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Rosemary Mosco, Science Writer & Naturalist Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title:  In Defense of Rock Doves: What Pigeons Can Teach Us About Ourselves

Seminar Series – Ken Sprankle

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Ken Sprankle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: Migratory Fish Restoration and Management (status and trends) in the Connecticut River Basin.

Seminar Series – Brigit Humphreys

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Brigit Humphreys In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: Small mammals

Seminar Series – Dr. Mike Kinnison

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Mike Kinnison, University of Maine In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: A seminar on the glories of eDNA

Seminar Series – Halloween TBD!

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

TBD In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title:  Halloween

Seminar Series – Rylee Smith

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Rylee Smith, University of Maine In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title:  The Battle of Smallmouth Bass and Atlantic salmon in Maine Rivers. Who will win?

Seminar Series – Dr. Maryam Kamran

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Maryam Kamran, Virginia Tech In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: Inclusion and Diversity in Natural Resources and Environmental Science

Fall Break – No Seminar

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Seminar Series – Dr. Christina Kwapitch

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Christina Kwapitch, University of Maine In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: Subterranean ant nests: Hidden architecture and ecosystems

Seminar Series – Dr. Allyson Jackson

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Allyson Jackson, SUNY Purchase In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title: Linkages between citizen scientists and researchers used to understand linkages between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in Acadia […]

Seminar Series – TBD

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

TBD In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title:  TBD

Seminar Series – Cody Dillingham

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Cody Dillingham, University of Maine In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  085477 Title:  Characterizing the Movement of Two Anadromous Species Through Impounded Habitat

Seminar Series – Harrison Goldspiel

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Harrison Goldspiel In-Person & Zoom - Passcode:  492057 Title: Conservation Capacity Building for Cryptic Aquatic Communities: Expanding the Biophysical Toolbox for Vernal Pool Amphibians

Seminar Series – Marcy Summers

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Marcy Summers - Alliance for Tompotika Conservation Format TBD Title:  TBD

Seminar Series – Annie Oviedo

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Annie Oviedo In Person & Zoom - Passcode:  492057 Title:  Survival, habitat use, and movement of Maine moose in the context of winter tick and climate change

Seminar Series – Dr. Viorel Popescu

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Viorel Popescu - University of Ohio Format TBD Title:  Multiple stressors in amphibian populations: unraveling ecological mechanisms and cryptic life histories

Seminar Series – Megan Leach

Norman Smith Hall, room 107 UMaine Campus, ORONO

Megan Leach In-Person & Zoom - Passcode: 883834 Master's Thesis Proposal: Human Dimensions of Vernal Pool Conservation in Maine: Implications for Conservation Partnerships

Seminar Series – Daison Weedop

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Daison Weedop In Person & Zoom - Passcode:  492057 Title:  Investigating relationships between fish assemblages, non-native species, and food web structures

Seminar Series – Wetland Appreciation Day!

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

In Person Wetland Appreciation Day! with bake off (hot chocolate and coffee provided)  

Seminar Series – Dr. John Mohan

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. John Mohan - University of New England In Person & Zoom - Passcode:  492057 Title:  Investigating fish mysteries with elemental histories

Seminar Series – Dr. David Patrick


Dr. David Patrick - The Nature Conservancy Zoom - Passcode:  492057 Title:  The road to 2030: How conservation needs to change this decade

Seminar Series – Dr. Mac Hunter


Zoom Passcode:  492057 Title:  The ecology and conservation of old forests

Seminar Series – Emily Filiberti

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Emily Filiberti, MS Wildlife Ecology In-person & Zoom Proposal Seminar:  Estimating Golden-winged Warbler annual survival  for integration with range-wide  demographic  modeling

Seminar Series – Maisie Merz

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Maisie Merz, MS - Ecology and Environmental Science In-person & Zoom Proposal Seminar:  Resource selection in a landscape of fear: effects of risk perception and personality on small mammal microhabitat […]

Seminar Series – Agus Jati

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Agus Jati, PhD - Wildlife Ecology In-person & Zoom Proposal Seminar:  Effects of land-use  on the wildlife communities in the Togean Archipelago,  Indonesia

Kathryn Sloane M.S Defense Seminar – 2:30 pm

Please join us for Kathryn Sloane's M.S. defense seminar "Evaluating thermal limits using metabolic performance in developing Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos" Friday, November 19, 2021, at 2:30 pm Meeting ID: […]

Matthew Gonnerman Dissertation Defense – 1 pm

Mitchell Center

Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology presents… Matthew Gonnerman Wild Turkey Population Ecology Across Land Use Gradients in Maine  Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Mitchell Center, room 107 1:00 pm

Seminar Series – Dr. Katy Greenwald

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Dr. Katy Greenwald - Eastern Michigan University Zoom Why are the salamanders all female?! Temporal and environmental patterns of abundance in a sexual-unisexual  system

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!

Seminar Series

Plum Creek Conference Room University of Maine, 5755 Nutting Hall, Orono

Come join us for the weekly seminar series!