
Fostering Learner Success
The university is committed to fostering learning for all. We provide access and opportunity in and out of the classroom to prepare students for success in college, career, and civic engagement. Our faculty and staff create relevant opportunities for lifelong learning through excellence in teaching and co-curricular activity. Our inclusive community welcomes all learners and strives to sustain an enriching environment in which they can flourish and succeed. We recognize that the best learning occurs when a diversity of perspectives, experiences, and ideas are valued and promoted.

Discovering and Innovating
As Maine’s land grant and sea grant research university, we partner with communities, practitioners and scholars to discover and produce new knowledge to serve the state, the nation, and the world. Innovation, creativity, and discovery are fundamental to who we are and what we do: they help us serve the people of Maine and people everywhere. We educate the next generation of leaders to solve problems and promote solutions for the challenges we all face.

Growing and Advancing Partnerships
We collaborate with many partners to advance the cultural, economic, and civic interests of communities throughout Maine and the world. As a public flagship university, we are stewards responsible for the resources entrusted to us. Through our engaged partnerships, we seek to make a difference in the arts, science, industry, commerce, and state and local government for the present and future betterment of all.