
Accessibility and inclusion: New Zoom features for accessibility

Pin multiple videos Previously only one video could be “pinned” at a time in the Zoom interface. A new accessibility feature allows for pinning multiple videos in the interface, which is helpful to keep a sign language interpreter on screen throughout a video. More information is available on Zoom’s website. Re-arrange videos in gallery view Gallery […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Gender-inclusive language

In our January newsletter, we shared guidance for accessibility and inclusion concerns when writing for the web. In this month’s newsletter we focus on improving content by removing gendered language. In order to effectively reach the widest audience, gender-inclusive language is recommended when writing for the web. Words such as “mankind” may be intended to refer […]

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Accessibility and inclusion considerations in the new semester

As the new semester begins on our changed campus, we must all have consideration for one another. As just one example, face masks are a requirement on campus, and this can pose a challenge to the deaf and hard of hearing who rely on lip reading to understand a speaker. Face masks with clear shields […]

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Accessibility and videoconferencing

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion: Content with clear purpose

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion: Writing for the Web

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Web Accessibility and Inclusion

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications has been increasing efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we discuss how web accessibility fits […]

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Web accessibility and headings

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications has been increasing efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we discuss how you can use headings […]

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Testing for web accessibility

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications has been increasing efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we discuss how you can test for […]

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Accessibility and color

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications has been increasing efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we discuss how the use of […]

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