Training topics by appointment

These training topics are available for our Friday consultations on request, and can be held in our conference room or remotely via zoom videoconferencing.

UMaine Map Training

If you need to depict points of interest on campus, across the state, or around the globe, our UMaine map feature is worth exploring. In this training you will learn how to create individual map points, categorize map points together in a single map, and customize the map points by adding icons for easy visual identification. Please email to schedule.

SEO Workshop

What is SEO? This jargon is an abbreviation for “search engine optimization,” and our SEO workshops will explain what you should focus on to improve how your web pages are found by users of Google, Bing and our own UMaine site search. Please email to schedule.

Using Monsido to Improve Your Website

The University of Maine System has provided a website tool to aid in the important task of managing the quality and accessibility of web content. Monsido scans UMaine websites, and interactive reports are available. If you want to learn more about Monsido’s reports and how you may use its information to fix broken links, find misspellings, and discover where content updates are most needed, email to get started, and review your site’s scan results.

Website consultation workshop

Is your website helping you meet your goals? Do you want to make improvements, but do not know where to begin? We now offer “office hours” style website consultation workshops, where we can meet to focus on your content and brainstorm improvements that can be made. Please email to schedule.