Important: known issue with Content Blocks

While we continue to adopt the newer Gutenberg Editor, we are working to ensure our older Content Blocks system continues to work for websites. A critical issue has been discovered with the Content Blocks system and the WordPress revision history feature, resulting in corrupted, uneditable pages when the error occurs.

With the help of UMS IT’s web technologies group, we have identified the issue and will be working to restore the revision history feature for Content Blocks. However, at this time pages that use Content Blocks cannot be reverted to past versions.

If your edits are minor and you are comfortable making an update without the ability to “undo” the change, this issue is not a concern. However, if you plan to revise a page using Content Blocks, making changes in layout you may want to undo, please contact us at and we will help make a copy of the published page before you make updates.