Website consultation topics

Is your website helping you meet your goals? Do you want to make improvements, but do not know where to begin? We now offer “office hours” style website consultation sessions, where we can meet to focus on your content and brainstorm improvements that can be made.

“Digital life coach” session

This high level topic is ideal if you need to take a step back and assess how your website is meeting your needs. Our team can lead a discussion with you and your website stakeholders and arrive at a plan that will help your website flourish.

“Website spa day” session

Stressed out about the state if your website? Come in for a spa day— point us to the problem areas you would like to address, and our team can take the lead in making adjustments to improve how your website functions. Not sure where your problem areas are? Not to worry, we can start at the home page.

“Personal trainer” session

There are many tools available to keep your website in shape, but what work regimen is needed to take advantage of them? Digital Communications can lead a session for your website stakeholders to give an overview of tools available, and help you identify the best people to be trained in each tool for website work:

  • WordPress features and the new Gutenberg editor (pages, posts, event calendars, forms, maps and resources)
  • Analysis tools from Google and Monsido
  • Reporting dashboards with Google’s Looker Studio

These are just some ideas of the type of consultation you can request from Digital Communications—please email to schedule.