Welcome to Andover!

The town of Andover, named for Andover, Massachusetts, where some of its first settlers originated, was incorporated in 1804 and grew as an ideal location for agriculture, logging, and small-scale water-powered industry, and later as a tourist destination for access to the nearby Richardson Lakes. Andover is surrounded by large mountains and known for its “grand and beautiful scenery”.
Fun Facts
- Andover is the site of one of Maine’s five confirmed meteorite impacts. The surviving mass of the meteorite weighs more than 7 pounds and is now housed at the Smithsonian Institution.
- Andover was once home to the Telstar communications satellite ground station. This satellite relayed the first transatlantic live TV transmission in 1962, and was considered a success in the Space Race after the USSR’s Sputnik satellite launch in 1957.
- Andover was the birthplace of Henry Varnum Poor, the great financial analyst who lends his name to the Standard & Poor’s credit rating agency.
- Andover is the resting place of the notable Native American woman, Molly Ockett, who spent the latter years of her life in this area.