Higher Ed Hello

Welcome, and hearty Maine hello! The University of Maine’s Higher Ed Hello is an opportunity for students who have been newly admitted to the Higher Education Master’s Program to learn more about the program and to interview for Graduate Assistant positions at UMaine.

Higher Ed Hello will take place on Friday, February 28th, 2025.

Currently, the departments below will be interviewing for the following Graduate Assistantships:

Department of Residence Life

Graduate Assistantship: ACC Job Description 25-26

Website: https://umaine.edu/reslife

Title IX Student Services

Graduate Assistantship: Title IX Graduate Assistant Position Description 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/titleix/

Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism

Graduate Assistantship I: Bodwell CE GA Job Description 2526

Graduate Assistantship II: Bodwell BBM GA Job Description 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/volunteer/

Office for Community and Connections

Graduate Assistantship: GA ODI 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/studentlife/office-for-community-and-connections/

Center for Student Involvement

Graduate Assistantship: Graduate Assistant for Student Involvement 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/studentinvolvement/

Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (Center for Student Involvement)

Graduate Assistantship: Graduate Assistant for Fraternity and Sorority Life 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/studentinvolvement/greek-life/

Office of Community Standards

Graduate Assistantship: Graduate Assistantship for Community Standards 2526

Website: https://umaine.edu/communitystandards/

** Most positions are funded, in part, via federal work study. The vast majority of candidates, by virtue of their status as graduate students, will qualify for work study. Given this, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for all positions in which they have an interest.