
Toward distributed context-mediated behavior for multiagent systems

Abstract: Although much attention has been devoted to modeling and using context in intelligent agents, relatively little has been given to the problem for multiagent systems (MASs). Yet, just as with an individual agent, context affects how a MAS should behave. In this paper, we discuss an approach to distributed context management for multiagent systems. […]

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Context and the virtual human

Abstract: Artificial agents that simulate aspects of human behavior are expected to behave much like a real human in a similar situation would. Human behavior however, is largely context-dependent. Ignoring the effect context can have on an agent’s behavior can hinder the quality and plausibility of agent’s behavior. In this paper, we present a context-driven […]

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context-mediated behaviour

Abstract All effective agents are context-sensitive. This is true for biological agents, and it must also be true for artificial agents if they are to succeed. Context-mediated behavior (CMB) is one approach to endowing artificial agents with context-sensitive, context- appropriate behavior. It relies on explicitly representing contexts—important classes of situations—as contextual schemas and associating with […]

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A Sideways Look at Upper Ontologies

This paper explores an alternative vision for upper ontologies which is more effective at facilitating the sharability and reusability of ontologies. The notion of generic ontologies is characterized through the formalization of ontological commitments and choices. Ontology repositories are used to modularize ontologies so that any particular upper ontology is equivalent to the union of […]

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New Research on Aging

The VEMI lab is proud to announce that Dr. Giudice and doctoral candidate Chris Bennett recently had an article accepted for publication in Experimental Aging Research. Check out their abstract below, and be sure to congratulate them if you see them! — Giudice, N.A., Bennett, C.R., Klatzky, R.L., and Loomis, J.M. (accepted). Updating of haptic arrays across […]

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A Sideways Look at Upper Ontologies

Published: Sep 25, 2014 Author(s): Chui, Carmen, Gruninger, Michael, Hahmann, Torsten, Katsumi, Megan Abstract: This paper explores an alternative vision for upper ontologies which is more effective at facilitating the sharability and reusability of ontologies. The notion of generic ontologies is characterized through the formalization of ontological commitments and choices. Ontology repositories are used to modularize ontologies so that any […]

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Voids and Material Constitution Across Physical Granularities

T. Hahmann, B. Brodaric, M. Gruninger: Voids and material constitution across physical granularities. Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2014), 2014. IOS Press. Abstract: The relation between an object and its matter is fundamental to all physical sciences, and represented widely and diversely in scientific ontologies. An under-appreciated aspect of this relation is […]

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Interdependence Among Material Objects and Voids

T. Hahmann, B. Brodaric, M. Gruninger: Interdependence among material objects and voids. Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS-2014), 2014. IOS Press. Abstract: Material-spatial interdependence (mat-dep) is a type of dependence in which the physical extents of two entities are necessarily and mutually contingent, e.g. an object and its matter, or a […]

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Towards a Foundational Hydro Ontology for Water Data Interoperability

B. Brodaric, T. Hahmann: Towards a Foundational Hydro Ontology for Water Data Interoperability. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC-2014). Abstract: Hydro ontologies are digital artifacts that contain representations of hydrological entities. They are being constructed to advance interoperability within and between all kinds of water data networks. Increased growth of such networks, however, requires integration of […]

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The Void in Hydro Ontology

Published: Jul 12, 2012 Author(s): Brodaric, Boyan, Hahmann, Torsten Abstract: Voids are extremely important to water science, because their size and connectivity determines the storage and flow of water both above and below the ground surface. While previous formal theories about voids strictly consider holes hosted inside objects, we generalize voids to also include spaces between objects, and distinguish voids in macroscopic […]

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