
Dr. Sepideh Ghanavati receives recognition

Sepideh Ghanavati, assistant professor in the School of Computing and Information Science, co-authored a paper that recently received recognition at a major conference. Gahnavati, along with co-authors Sarah Santos, Travis Breaux, Sara Haghighi and Tom Norton, wrote a paper titled “Requirements Satisfiability with In-Context Learning” and won the RE24 Challenge Award for Research Track at the RE24 Conference. The research challenge, […]

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Dr. Nick Giudice contributes to Award Winning Paper

Professor of spatial computing Nick Giudice played a key role as a contributor to an award-winning paper about developing robot guide dogs to assist the visually impaired. The paper – which is titled “Toward Robotic Companions: Understanding Handler-Guide Dog Interactions for Informed Guide Dog Robot Design” and can be found here – came from a study led by […]

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Dr. Nimesha Ranasinghe published in “The Vergecast”

Assistant professor of spatial computing Nimesha Ranasinghe was recently featured on The Vergecast podcast to discuss his work with taste sensations and taste simulation in virtual reality. Ranasinghe walks the listener through his research on sending electrical pulses to your tongue to manipulate different taste sensations like salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. He also talks about how his research led […]

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Dr. Wörsdörfer Published in “Philosophy & Technology”

Manuel Wörsdörfer, assistant professor of management and computing ethics, recently had a paper accepted for publication in Philosophy & Technology, one of the world’s leading computer ethics journals. The paper is titled “Biden’s Executive Order on AI and the E.U.’s AI Act: A Comparative Computer-Ethical Analysis.” From the abstract: “AI (ethics) initiatives are essential in bringing about fairer, safer, and more trustworthy AI systems. […]

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Professor Giudice receives Excellence in Writing Award

The Excellence in Writing Award from the American Council for the Blind was given to Nicholas Giudice of the VEMI Lab in recognition of his Medium essay “COVID-19 and Blindness,” which describes the challenges blind people are facing during the pandemic.

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New VEMI Research on Guidelines for Nonvisual Graphical Access

VEMI researchers have recently published a new paper providing guidelines and best practices for nonvisual access to graphical material using touchscreen-based haptic interfaces. The article, published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI), synthesizes the results of a series of six studies with both blind and sighted participants evaluating the efficacy of the vibro-audio […]

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Using contextual knowledge for trust strategy selection

Abstract: In open multiagent systems in which some of the agents may be self-interested, it is vital that an agent be able to make trust decisions about its peers to determine which of them may be untrustworthy and how to behave in response. The agent’s context, including the environment, observed and inferred actions and motives […]

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Representing and communicating context in multiagent systems

Abstract: Context-aware agents operating in a cooperative multi agent system (MAS) can benefit from establishing a shared view of their context, since this increases coherence and consistency in the system’s behavior. To this end, agents must share contextual knowledge with each other. In our prior work on context-mediated behavior, agents used frame-based contextual schemas (c-schemas) […]

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Distributed, context-based organization and reorganization of multi-AUV systems

Abstract: Many tasks requiring multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are simple, with static goals, of short duration, and require few AUVs, often of the same type. Simple coordination mechanisms that assign roles to AUVs before the mission are sufficient for these multi-AUV systems. However, for tasks that are complex and dynamic, of long duration (implying […]

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