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Sustaining Institutional Change

The Rising Tide Professors program was introduced in 2016 to sustain the work of the Rising Tide center by establishing college-level initiatives that support achievement of broader institutional diversity goals.

“Rising Tide Professors will advance the mutual overarching mission of the University of Maine and the Rising Tide Center by creating supportive and inclusive climates within each individual department and unit.”

Recruitment and Selection

Competitive proposal review assesses the likelihood of enhancing fairness and  ensuring consistency of processes within each college, with the goal of reducing implicit biases, promoting the achievements of women faculty, and advancing the Rising Tide mission. 

Responsibilities and Rewards

Rising Tide Professors implement proposed projects with financial support from their college, providing advisory support to and serving as campus ambassadors for Rising Tide Center. The rewards are many, and most notably include fostering a supportive and inclusive climate within their college.

Meet the 2018-2020 Rising Tide Professors:

Click on the titles below to read about current Rising Tide Professors’ projects. 

Jennifer Perry

Establishing a Diversity and Equity Book Club: Promoting a Campus Climate of Inclusion Through Sustained, Authentic Dialog 

Dan Sandweiss & Carlos Villacorta

UMaine Unido: Promoting Participation and Integration of the UMaine LatinX Community Photo of Dr. Carlos Villacorta

Photo of Dr. Dan Sandweiss

Rebecca Buchanan, Leah Hakkola, Liliana Herakova & Mollie Ruben







Equity Oriented Faculty Development of Teaching in CLAS and COEHD

Judith Rosenbaum

Color image of Dr. Judith RosenbaumTalking Points: Conversations about Race and Ethnicity