Publications Index

The RiSE Center publications index provides easy access to abstracts and publication links.

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Please note:

  • RiSE Center-affiliated authors are listed in this index and indicated in bold in citations on abstract pages. See citations for any additional authors.
  • This index currently includes 188 publications from 2016 into 2023. Authors may have additional publications (older, more recent, or additional publications from this time frame).
  • RiSE Center-affiliated student theses and dissertations can be found in the UMaine Digital Commons RiSE Center collections.

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Metal complexes as antifungals? from a crowd-sourced compound library to the first in vivo experiments2022Bruce, Mitchell
Insights from an intervention designed to support consistent reasoning2022Stetzer, MacKenzie
Research on Engineering Education at K-12 Settings across Communities of Practice: A Systematic Literature Review (2009-2018)2022Geheb, Ethan
Sezen-Barrie, Asli
“A Different Kind of Middleman”: Preservice Science Teachers’ Agency for Climate Change Education2022Sezen-Barrie, Asli
Workshop: Incorporating Ethics and Justice in STEM Communication Courses2022Falconer, Heather
Using metacognitive prompts to explore student reasoning trajectories2022Stetzer, MacKenzie
Elastic contrast, rupture directivity, and damage asymmetry in an anisotropic bimaterial strike‐slip fault at middle crustal depths2022Gerbi, Christopher
MEPRI Survey Study of Maine School Administrators2022Fairman, Janet
Weather X: Building Data Literacy among Rural Youth2022Sezen-Barrie, Asli
Trends in K-12 teacher agency research: A review of science education research2022Miller-Rushing, Anica
Hufnagel, Elizabeth
Creating representation in support of chemical reasoning to connect macroscopic and submicroscopic domains of knowledge2022Bruce, Mitchell
Preparing disciplinary writing instructors: The Curry College faculty writing fellows program2022Falconer, Heather
Strategies for Supporting Student Learning Needs during the COVID Pandemic in Maine and Other States2022Fairman, Janet
Strategies for Supporting Teachers’ Instructional and Mental Health Needs during the COVID Pandemic in Maine and Other States2022Fairman, Janet
Spatial and temporal dynamics in climate change education discourse: An ecolinguistic perspective2022Sezen-Barrie, Asli