
Steering Committee Members

Pankaj Agrrawal, Professor of Finance, UMaine
Brian Beal, Professor of Marine Ecology, UMM
Lucille Benedict, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Director of Quality Control Collaboratory, USM
Habib Dagher, Executive Director, Advanced Structures and Composites Center, UMaine
Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Associate Professor of Nature-based Tourism, UMaine
Caitlin Howell, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, UMaine
Brenda Joly, Associate Professor, Muskie School of Public Service, USM
Benjamin King, Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics, UMaine
Paul Mayewski, Director, Climate Change Institute, UMaine
Penny Rheingans, Director, School of Computing and Information Science, UMaine
Kris Sahonchik, Director, USM Research and Cutler Institute
Kristy Townsend, Associate Professor of Neurobiology, UMaine
Karen Wilson, Associate Research Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, USM

Other Participants in Steering Committee Meetings

Jason Charland, Director of Research Development and R&D Plan Project Coordinator, UMaine
Jeff Hecker, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, UMaine
Ross Hickey, Assistant Provost for Research Integrity, USM
George Jacobson, Professor Emeritus, UMaine
Jason Johnston, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology, UMPI
Renee Kelly, Assistant Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development, UMaine
David Townsend, Professor of Oceanography and Faculty Senate President, UMaine
Kody Varahramyan, Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, UMaine
Jake Ward, Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development, UMaine
Samantha Warren, Director of Government and Community Relations, UMS