Research Center and Institute Faculty Appointments


All requests for appointments to Research Centers and Institutes need to be routed to the Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School via email to Tammy Crosby.

The requests should include the following items:

  1. Faculty CV
  2. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  3. Person of Interest (POI) Form for External Associates ONLY

These requests will be reviewed, and on approval, the fully signed will MOU will be routed to all signatories and Human Resources.

Other Related Documents

Person of Interest (POI) Form

Use your UMS credentials to login to Google Drive, a cloud-based, file storage system available to all current employees and students.

Please find the following forms on our Commonly Used Forms webpage:

  • Joint Appointment MOU Template
  • Associate Appointment MOU Template
  • External Associate Appointment MOU Template
  • Research Professor Appointment MOU Template

Applications for these appointments are generally initiated by faculty.


Faculty may be paid partially from the Center or Institute. MOU’s are created at the time of appointment. These are tenure-track faculty at UMS. Reappointment coincides with the P&T schedule. These appointments require a terminal degree.

Joint appointments are reviewed and approved by faculty appointee, center or institute Director(s), academic department Chair(s) and Dean(s), the VPRDGS, and Provost.

A tenure-track faculty who has not started at UMS in a joint appointment, if subsequently desires to have a joint appointment with a Center or Institute, this request also will be subject to an MOU and approval by faculty appointee, center or institute Director(s), academic department Chair(s) and Dean(s), the VPRDGS, and Provost.

These appointments are subject to guidelines specified for joint appointments in the AFUM contract under the Initial Appointments section. These guidelines also are considered for Center Joint Appointments made after the initial academic appointment.


These are non-tenure-track appointments that are at least partially soft–funded. They are associated with centers and institutes for their research. These appointments require a terminal degree. The duration of the appointment is limited to the length of current funding or less with the ability to renew.

Research appointments are subject to an MOU and reviewed and approved by faculty appointee, center or institute Director(s), Chair(s) if applicable, Dean(s) if applicable, and the VPRDGS.


Faculty are not funded by the Center or Institute but are UMS, regular faculty, in an academic department. They may have access to Center staff support, space, and resources. Appointments are up to 5 years with the ability to renew.

Associate appointments are subject to an MOU and reviewed and approved by faculty appointee, center or institute Director(s), Chairs(s), Dean(s), and the VPRDGS.

External Associate

These appointments are for external faculty participating in a project. Appointments are up to 3 years but are generally for the length of a project with the ability to renew.

External Associate appointments are subject to an MOU and reviewed and approved by faculty appointee, center or institute Director(s), and the VPRDGS.