Research Travel Guidelines and Procedures

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School no longer requests notification of research activity for faculty, staff, and students, except in cases where the research involves travel to countries with a US State Department Travel Advisory Level of 3. Moreover, no Level 4 travel is allowed by UMS.
Steps to request an exemption for research travel to State Dept Level 3 countries
  1. Request a travel exception from UMS risk management with this online form
  2. Once you have received approval from risk management, submit the form below for approval from the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
All travelers are still required to abide by UMS travel guidelines.
Additionally, travelers are still required to coordinate with the Office of Research Compliance, UMS Safety Management and UMS Risk Management, as applicable, to ensure appropriate travel and fieldwork procedures are followed and any necessary approvals are in place prior to international travel.   This includes:
  • Working with UMS Safety Management to develop and implement a Fieldwork Safety Plan (Please see: Fieldwork Safety Training Guide [requires account to view])
  • Working with UMS Risk Management to ensure the appropriate insurance coverage is in place
  • Working with export compliance staff in the Office of Research Compliance to determine if any export licenses, or documented use of an exception, is required for the export (even temporary) of University equipment, computers, or supplies


  • Tammy Crosby

    Special Assistant to Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
