
This speaker series showcases internal, federal earmark, and extramural funded research and educational programming across UMS; open to all on the 1st Monday of the month-12-1 pm on Zoom; Sept-May. 
Registration is required.

September 9*- “UM-mini GEM Concept”
Giovanna Guidoboni– Dean Maine College of Engineering and Computing
Roberto Lopez-Anido
– Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UM

This workshop series focuses on researcher-identified topics such as: specific funding opportunities, proposal development skills, project management, evaluation, research collaborations, and much more. On Zoom-2nd Wed. of the month and asynchronously-4th Wed. of the month; Sept-Mat.  
Registration is required.

Are their specific innovative research projects, programs, initiatives, or professional development topics that you would recommend we showcase next year? Please email us today with your suggestions and/or your interest in being a presenter or panelist.