The Vice President for Research provides funds to assist faculty in establishing or maintaining high quality research programs and other creative achievements. Eligibility is limited to full-time faculty; including tenured, tenure-eligible, and soft-money faculty for whom research is an expected component of their appointment.
Faculty members receiving substantial start-up funds are ineligible to receive awards from the FRF Program for a period of two years after the start-up monies have been spent; however, if the substantial start-up package did not include summer salary, the faculty member may apply for the Summer Faculty Research competition. No preference is given to specific disciplines; and if you receive an award, you must serve a future three-year term on the FRF review committee. Applications are posted and submitted through the InfoReady online portal.
Three Annual Competitions:
*Regular Faculty Research competition supports work that can be completed in one year and provides research support other than faculty salaries;
*Scholarly Materials and Equipment competition is for the acquisition of equipment or library collections; and
*Summer Faculty Research competition provides awards for faculty summer salaries for a minimum of 1.5 months research effort.