Nanocellulose based Composites for Orthopedic Fixation Devices
PI: Mike Mason, UM Chemical and Biological Engineering
The targeted market for the proposed technology is that of orthopedic fixation devices, or devices used to hold bones together after surgery or trauma. Currently, this market is valued at ~$40.2 billion and predicted to grow to $61 billion by 2021. Biomaterials within this field currently possess significant flaws, creating a suboptimal performance in a multitude of scenarios and presenting vast opportunities within the market for a novel biomaterial solution. Over the past few years, we have explored the use of cellulose nanofiber (CNF), a green, renewable, value-added product, as the material to usher in this new age of biomedical structural materials. Research has led to promising results, proving advantages over current technology and developing proof of concepts that have garnered the attention of influential stakeholders within the market. We look to further IP and prototype development, along with increasing market analysis and stakeholder discovery.