Adipose Tissue Neural Innervation: Mechanisms and Therapies
Principal Investigator: Kristy Townsend (UMaine, School of Biology and Ecology)
Partners: Len Kass (UMaine, GSBSE), Ali Abedi (UMaine, GSGSE), Nuri Emaneglotu (UMaine, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Todd O’Brien (O’Brien Medical, LLC)
Abstract: Currently obesity and diabetes are worldwide pandemics, and here in New England, Maine is the most obese state, thus negatively impacting the health and well-being of Maine’s citizens, driving up healthcare costs, and resulting in decreased productivity. In addition, Maine has the oldest median age in the country, and given the association between aging and dysregulated metabolism and neuropathy, our state is also at greater risks for these conditions. Our project seeks to combine both basic neurobiological research with innovative biotechnology product development to create novel therapies for obesity and diabetic neuropathy, thus improving these health situations for Maine’s people and positively impacting Maine’s economy.