MicroAlgae Culture Coupled Catalysis: Producing Marine Diesel Fuel Additives from Algal Biomass

Principal Investigator: Thomas Schwartz (Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering)

Partners: Scott Eaton (Maine Maritime Academy, Marine Engine Testing & Emissions Laboratory), Mike Lomas (Bigelow Labs), & Joshua Henry (Maine Maritime Academy, Marine Engine Testing & Emissions Laboratory)

Abstract: Due to its high yield potential, algal biomass is a promising alternative to fossil-based carbon feedstocks for fuels. However, the adoption of algal biofuels has been slowed by economic barriers associated with biofuel separations from the algal biomass. This proposed collaboration among UMaine, Bigelow Laboratory, and Maine Maritime Academy, focuses on a new approach called MicroAlgae Culture Coupled Catalysis (MACCC) which uses microalgae as microbial cell factories that excrete carbonaceous molecules which are suitable for catalytic upgrading to yield phase separating biofuel products. This process avoids require rupture of the algae cells and the associated separations challenges and thus improves the economics of algal biofuels production.