Chairs and Directors

Leadership development is important to UMaine! There are many resources available to support department chairs and school directors at UMaine. We are excited to announce that a Chair Development Program is launching in AY23-24 supplemented by NCFDD webinars. Furthermore, chairs are eligible to participate in EMPOWER, as both mentors and mentees. Please refer to the Quick Links for information regarding Human Resources, promotion and tenure, and other important topics.

UMaine Quick Links for Chairs

Facilitated by Professor George Criner (Associate Dean, ELH), and Gabe Paquette (Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development)

The following sessions are intended for new and returning chairs:

Friday, September 8, 2023, 1-3pm

Friday, September 22, 2023, 1-3pm

Friday, October 20, 2023, 12-3pm

Friday, November 17, 2023, 1-3pm

Friday, January 19, 2024, 1-3pm

Friday, March 1, 2024, 1-3pm

Thursday/Friday, April 18-19, 2024: All Chairs (including those beginning in AY 24) workshop with Kevin Dettmar, author of How to Chair a Department.

NCFDD Trainings and Resources

Department Chair Intensive (4-part series)
Managing Multiple Roles: How to Be a Faculty Member and An Administrator
Re-Thinking Mentoring: How to Build Communities of Inclusion, Support and Accountability
An Equity-Minded Approach to Writing Effective External Review Letters




External Mentorship Program (UMaine)

NCFDD Mentoring Map  (University of Oregon) 

Faculty Mentoring Central (North Carolina State University)

Faculty Mentorship: Conversation Catalysts (University of Nebraska at Omaha)

Departmental Mentoring Plan Guidelines (UMass-Amherst) 

Faculty Mentorship Guidance (University of Maryland)

Mentorship (University of Oregon) 

Examples of Mentoring Programs (NSCU)

Designing and Implementing Mentoring Programs for Early Career Faculty (UNC – Chapel Hill) 

Mentorship for Associate Professors:

Mentoring Plan for Promotion to Full: a Tool to Support Timely Career Guidance and Mentoring for Associate Professors (UMass-Amherst)                

Mentoring in the Path from Associate Professor to Professor (University of Houston) 

Removing the Barriers to Full Professor: A Mentoring Program for Associate Professors (Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning)  

Service and Workload

Rethinking the Role of Service in Promotion and Tenure (Academic Impressions) 

The Faculty Workload and Rewards Project (University of Maryland) 

Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads (American Council on Education) 

Equity-Minded Faculty Workloads Booklet (ACE)