Safety Information

Visitors to the PDC who wish to tour our facilities or do work in our labs must review our Chemical Hygiene Plan, our Visitor Safety Information and Agreement, and sign our Visitor Acknowledgement Form. Copies of all of these documents can also be found in our office at 107 Jenness Hall.
- Chemical Hygiene Plan – The primary goal of the Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is to protect human life and University of Maine property with the application of “real safety” initiatives and practices.
- Visitor Safety Information and Agreement – Visitors to the PDC are required to comply with various health, safety, and environmental protocols.
Please complete and submit the following Visitor Log/Check In Form if you are planning on visiting our facility.
Visitor Log/Check In
Employees, students, and visitors to the University of Maine Process Development Center are responsible for following established safety/security protocols, reporting missing materials or equipment, reporting unusual activities or other safety/security concerns to the Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, your PDC host, or Public Safety Department as appropriate. This overview is in line with the Chemical Hygiene Plan and Emergency Action plan for the Process Development Center, Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering. This is to certify that I have viewed and comprehend the safety presentation from the PDC and will agree to abide by its terms. This pass will expire in one year and I am expected to review the presentation at that time.