Winter Parking Ban
As stated on all parking permits and passes:
Winter Parking Ban – All Faculty/Staff (blue) and Commuter (Black) parking lots and all roadways and driveways are closed to parking from November 1st to May 1st of each year between the hours of midnight and 6:00 AM, regardless of the weather. Vehicles parked in violation will be subject to being ticketed and towed at the owners’ expense.
Faculty, Staff, Commuters and Visitors displaying blue or black permits may park overnight in either the commuter section of the Bridge Tennis Court lot or the College Ave South lot. Residents with red permits should only park in red lots per their permit. Please remind visitors to campus of this policy to avoid their vehicles being cited or towed.
Motor vehicles parked on campus must have a valid permit or day pass displayed, and be registered with Parking and Transportation Services.

Be Prepared for Winter
Snow, ice and nasty winter weather can make moving around campus a bit frightful in winter. Here are some tips from the University of Maine’s Parking & Transportation Services office to make your parking and driving experience a positive one.
Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Ready
Weather in Maine can change quickly. Here are a few items you should always have in your vehicle:
Bonus Items To Consider Also Having on Hand
Warm Up and Brush Off
It can be tempting to only brush off a small piece of your windshield, but it’s safer and mandated by Maine law to brush off the whole windshield and side windows before hopping in and taking off. Turn your car on and let the defroster help you bust up snow and ice from your windshield and windows.
Once your car is warm, clean the wiper blades off and brush snow off the roof and back of your car. The less snow on your vehicle the safer it’ll be for you and others around you. Stopping quickly can send sheets of snow flying forward or back which can hit another vehicle or obstruct your view.
Watch for Parking Changes
Winter Parking Ban is in effect Nov. 1–May 1, regardless of the weather.
Parking changes: When snow needs to be removed from lots, it means that cars may have to shift to other lots. We give notice of this a week out, but you can also find information about lot changes at the Lot Closures page. Keep an eye out for signs at lots that will indicate when they are closed and where you can park.
Plan extra time
Plan for some extra time when traveling in the winter. Slippery roads, snowbanks and decreased speed limits all mean that your commute might take longer. Be cautious when approaching corners, especially after new snow or rain storms and exercise patience.
Some Not-So-Fun Results From Winter

Broken Down Vehicle
In the event of an emergency or mechanical failure, please immediately notify Parking and Transportation Services at 207-581-4047 during regular business hours or the University Police Department at 207-581-4040 after business hours. The owner or driver of the vehicle must arrange for the vehicle to be moved as soon as possible or as otherwise directed.
Also see the Black Bear Safe App for safety and security while walking on campus.

Jump Start Requests
The University of Maine Parking and Transportation Services office provides complimentary vehicle jump starts on campus when officers are available. This service is provided Monday through Friday from 8 am until 4 pm excluding University recognized holidays.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. call 207.581.4047
Monday – Friday after 4 p.m. and weekends call 207.581.4040
Call Parking Services: 1-207-581-4047
Call UMaine Police: 1-207-581-4040

If your car is towed, Sullivan Automotive Service can assist you in getting it back.
Sullivan’s Automotive Service
84 Airport Road
Old Town, ME 04468
Dispatch Office Phone : (207) 827-2413 / Fax : (207) 827-3616
Business Office Phone : (207) 817-0142 / Fax : (207) 817-0143
All tow fees, holds, and services are handled through Sullivan’s Automotive directly. Please reference UMaine’s Towing Policy in Section G of the full Rules and Regulations for more detailed information.