Please note: only Faculty/Staff are eligible for the Carpool Program.
A free permit for a parking lot of your choice, a cleaner environment, and saving money – what more could a program offer?
The University of Maine’s Carpool Program has been established for the good of the planet as well as the financial benefit to its participants.
As stated in the general rules of campus parking, our purpose is to ensure the orderly flow of traffic, maximize the utilization of parking facilities, and maintain access to buildings for emergency vehicles. Based on that goal, it is necessary to establish and enforce rules governing vehicle operations and parking on campus. Please remember that these rules apply to everyone utilizing roadways and parking lots at the University of Maine and all must be observed. Please read UMaine’s Parking Rules & Regulations.

Establishing a Carpool
Carpools consist of two or more employees traveling in the same vehicle, one of which is deemed the Coordinator. All carpool members must apply for an Employee Carpool permit and register at Data collected will not be used for any other purpose.
By following the steps provided, will help with quick and easy ride-matches of individuals who have similar schedules that work and live near each other. The group chooses a Coordinator who brings the completed application to 523 DTAV, Community Center; picks up the free permit, and chooses the lot where the carpool group will park each day.
All members of a Carpool are expected to be knowledgeable of all Parking Rules and Regulations as printed on the back of the carpool permit and acknowledge that when not carpooling a blue or black lot must be utilized.
No-charge Temporary Permits
Traveling Alone
In the event a participant is traveling singly, the Carpool permit and parking space are not valid. Participants may park in a staff (blue) or commuter (black) lot with the Carpool permit or a temporary parking permit (limit 10 per semester). Temporary permits may be obtained at the UMaine Police Department on Rangeley Rd or Parking and Transportation Services at 523 DTAV. Alteration to, or unauthorized use of, the Carpool Permit will result in immediate loss of privileges and is a violation that will be referred to UMaine Police Department.
Emergency Rides Home Guaranteed provided by
In case of an emergency, a ride will be provided to any Carpool participant free-of-charge. A Carpooler must be registered with and log carpool trips to claim this benefit. See their website for more information:
The Appeals Process
There is an Appeals Process that is available and may be filed when an appellant feels any citation was issued contrary to UMaine rules, an error on the face of the citation, or extenuate circumstances. Questions may be directed to the Parking and Transportation Services Office, 207.581.4047, open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Parking and Transportation Services Office should be contacted to answer any questions before parking in a questionable place or manner. Any vehicle(s) parked on University of Maine property is subject to being cited and possibly impounded, towed, and stored or immobilized at the owner’s expense when found in violation.
A Winter Parking Ban is between November 1 and May 1. Carpool spaces, faculty/staff, commuter, and visitor lots are closed to parking between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. The Bridge Tennis Court (commuter section) and College Ave South lots are available for temporary parking during these hours.
Parking and Transportation Services will be happy to answer any questions. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Telephone 207.581.4047