Penalties (section F of the full Rules and Regulations) 

Any violation of the Rules and Regulations may result in being cited, removed, or towed or immobilization; and/or other appropriate disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to, proceedings under the Student Conduct Code; proceedings under State of Maine law or any combination of such penalties. Additional citations can be issued if the original violation is not corrected within 24 hours. If after 24 hours the vehicle is still in violation another citation can be written.

parking citation icon

Charges for violations of these rules may be waived by payment of the fines (effective as of 07/01/22):

Accessible/Handicap Violation

-No current UMAINE disabled permit or placard displayed.
-No valid state disabled plate or placard displayed.
-Parked in the accessible/handicap egress area (zebra striped).
Fire Lane Violation

Parking in a posted Fire Lane
Unauthorized Permit Violation

Using an unauthorized permit that has been altered, found, stolen, or counterfeited.
Unpaved/Turf Area Violation

Parking in an unpaved area or on the turf.
Failure to Obtain a Permit Violation

Failure to register a vehicle with Parking and Transportation Services after receiving three or more citations for “No Permit”.
Parked On/Obstructing Sidewalk Violation

Parking on a sidewalk, pedestrian path, safety zone or in an area or manner constituting a safety hazard.
Improper Permit for Space Violation

Parking in violation of permit issued.
Loading Zone Violation

Parking in a posted “Loading Zone” space.
Bus Stop Violation

Parking in the posted bus stop area.
Winter Parking Ban Violation

Parking in lots that are closed to overnight parking due to Winter Parking Ban.
Lot Closed Violation

Parking in lots that have been closed for snow removal, maintenance, or a special event.
No Parking Violation

Parking in “No Parking” areas:

-On cement islands
-Obstructing a driveway
-Obstructing a street
-Obstructing a vehicle or
-Obstructing a bicycle lane
Service Vehicle Violation

Parking in a posted “Service Vehicle” space
Not EV/Charging Violation

-A non-electric vehicle parked in any EV space (staff or public)
-Parked in a public pay-to-charge EV charging space for more than 30 minutes after EV charging has ended
-Parked in a public pay-to-charge EV charging space and not plugged in
No Permit Displayed Violation

Parking without a permit (no permit).
Overtime Parking Violation

-Parking overtime in a “timed” space
-Parked overtime in a mobile-pay space without payment
Failure to Display Permit Violation

Failure to display a parking permit after it has been purchased and is valid.
Multiple tickets can be issued in lieu of impoundment and towing.

Pay a Citation

How to pay*:

  • Over the phone at 207-581-4047
  • In-person at the Parking Office
  • Via mail (make checks payable to “University of Maine” & add the citation number in memo line)

Payments accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit/credit
  • Check/money order
  • Contactless options: Apple Pay & Google Pay
  • Black Bear Bucks

*If a student’s citation goes 14 days unpaid the bill will be transferred to the Bursar’s Office for collection. This will be placed on the student’s account which can be paid online. Please note the date showing on the Bursar account is the date posted to the account not the issue date of the citation itself.

Appeal a Citation

You may appeal a citation if a valid explanation is provided, first review the UMaine Parking Rules and Regulations, your parking permit/pass, as well as the list of invalid reasons for an appeal below.

Step 1 Appeal Process

You may appeal a citation if a valid explanation is provided, first review the UMaine Parking Rules and Regulations, your parking permit/pass, and the list of invalid reasons in the next tab.

Step 1 is the Written Appeal via online form which must be submitted within 10 calendar days of the violation.

The following are not valid reasons for an appeal:

  • Failure to observe posted signage or line markings.
  • Lacking a valid parking permit by a student, employee, or visitor.
  • Lack of knowledge of the University of Maine Parking Rules and Regulations and that they are enforced 24/7/365 regardless of breaks and holidays.
  • Tardiness to class, an exam, meetings, work, or other appointments.
  • Inability to pay ticket fines or permit costs.
  • Inability to find a permitted parking space.
  • Failure to use a designated load zone to pick up/deliver or load/unload area with a required loading zone pass.
  • Someone other than a Parking Services employee provided instructions to park.
  • Operation of the vehicle by another person.
  • Unauthorized parking in accessibility spaces/zebra stripes, turf/grass/unpaved, sidewalk or any other unmarked area.
  • Failure of enforcement officers to ticket for similar offenses.
  • Failure to obtain short-term authorization for a legitimate vehicle malfunction.
  • Inclement weather.
  • Fire lane and fire hydrant citations.
  • Using a fraudulent permit or other fraud-related activities.

Failure to submit your appeal within the allotted time automatically waives your right to the appeal and you will be held liable for the fine.

Failure to pay the fine will result in withholding of parking privileges and other sanctions, possibly including towing and having the fine forwarded to collections.

The Appeals Officer will review the appeal and provide a written response within 10 business days.

Step 2 Appeal Process (only after a Step 1 result has been received)

The second step of the appeals process, should you choose to pursue it, is an opportunity for a verbal appeal held in person with the Parking Manager.

A Step 1 appeal must be completed and result received before completing a Step 2 appeal request form.

Step 2 Appeal Requests must be filed within 10 calendar days of receiving your Step 1 decision.

The request for the Step 2 appeal must be done via the Step 2 appeal request form linked below. The appellant will be notified in writing of the time and place of a Step 2 meeting.

If you fail to submit your appeal within the required time, you automatically waive your right to the appeal and you become liable for the fine. Failure to pay the fine will result in withholding of parking privileges and other sanctions, possibly including towing.

In considering a Step 2 appeal, the Parking Services Manager may uphold the original decision; dismiss the violation; or find the individual responsible for some lesser violation. Written notification of the Step 2 Appeal decision will be given after the Step 2 in-person meeting.

If a Step 2 appeal is denied, the appellant (if not a student) has ten (10) calendar days, from the date of the Step 2 decision notice, to pay the fine. The appellant need not be present at the Step 2 meeting; the appellant’s absence may not prejudice the decision reached.


All non-student unpaid citations will start the collections process. There are three collection notices sent to the vehicle owner’s home address after the original citation is issued and substantial time has been given for payment. If no reply or payment plan has been set up, the bill will be transferred to our collection agency.

At this time the owner’s parking privileges for campus are revoked and the vehicle added to our tow list. This will be canceled when payment for the fines is received and verified. Please make all collections payments to:

Coast Professional, Inc, College & University Division
P.O. Box 2876
West Monroe, LA 71294
Toll Free: 800-230-0025 (Main Line)
Toll Free: 888-815-2843 (College and University Division)
Fax: 318.807.4884