Graduate Resources

The purpose of academic assessment at the University of Maine is to improve student learning. The primary goal of our academic assessment is to further develop an environment that supports student learning and continually reflects on the efficacy of our programs. Below are helpful resources to use for program assessment. For a more detailed description of program assessment at UMaine, please refer to the University of Maine Assessment Plan.

Assessment process

Follow the links below to view recordings of workshops.

  1. Graduate Assessment Expectations Friday, Oct 14, 2022 at 12-1 PM via Zoom. Please join us for this first workshop of the fall to learn about the program assessment process at UMaine and expectations for the 2022/23 academic year. There will be an opportunity for discussion and questions.
  2. Graduate Program Learning Outcomes Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022 at 12-1 PM via Zoom. In this workshop we will provide guidance on how to develop program learning outcomes that are meaningful, measurable, and manageable and are aligned to the Graduate School Learning Goals.
  3. Curriculum Mapping Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 at 12-1 PM via Zoom. Curriculum mapping is a graphical way to visualize where program outcomes are being introduced, reinforced and mastered throughout a program. In this workshop we will review the steps needed to create a robust curriculum map and discuss how to use it to inform curricular review.
  4. Assessment Planning Wednesday, Nov 9, 2022 at 11-12 PM via Zoom. In this final workshop we will review the steps for building a meaningful assessment plan to make sure all your program learning outcomes are assessed over the three year assessment cycle. All graduate programs are expected to create an assessment plan by the end of this academic year.