Assessment Reporting

This graph visually shows the assessment process at UMaine. All programs are asked to submit an annual report every year, as well as a 3-year report according to their cohorts schedule.

Scroll down to find your cohort, instructions on annual and 3-year reporting, and other resources.

University of Maine Assessment Reporting Cycle

Programs assess student learning outcomes on an ongoing basis. To document and communicate this information, programs report on the work done each year through an Annual Assessment Report. Every 3 years, programs complete a 3-Year Assessment Summary Report, which collects reflections on the results, process, and adjustments to the curriculum resulting from assessment work in that cycle. All program learning outcomes (PLOs) should be assessed within a 3-year cycle, although not all need be assessed every year.

Annual Assessment Reporting

Use the pages linked below to:

  • View instructions on submitting an annual report
  • Submit your annual report
  • Request edits to outcomes
  • View previous assessment results

For more detailed information on the annual and 3-year assessment cycles at University of Maine, see the UMaine Assessment Reporting Handbook and the Graduate Assessment Reporting Handbook.

This visual shows the current assessment schedule and the timeline we recommend programs use to stay on task. The suggested timeline: assessment planning in September, collection in October to April, reflecting in May and reporting from June to October.
Suggested timeline for Annual Assessment Reporting

3-Year Assessment Reporting

Submit 3-Year Report

Each program has its own copy of the 3-Year Assessment Summary Report, which are stored as Google Spreadsheets and can be accessed here.

Reporting Resources