Marine Sciences


Nayak, Beal aim to bolster seaweed, blue mussel production

Editor’s note: story updated Nov. 3 Aquaculture companies in Maine are at the forefront of efforts to culture high-quality seafood products. While the industry has grown in the last five years, those seeking to further expand face serious challenges. Two awards from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will support research projects designed to overcome […]

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Forecaster covers Strong’s talk about ocean acidification

The Forecaster reported on Aaron Strong’s talk — “Ocean Acidification: Will lobsters and clams disappear?” — for the Harpswell Heritage Land Trust. Strong, an assistant professor of marine policy, told attendees the Gulf of Maine is warming and becoming more acidic, both of which have repercussions. He said local communities can help protect water quality […]

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Aquaculture Educators Network hosts STEM workshop

The Aquaculture Educators Network (AEN) invites ​teachers statewide to a free professional development workshop Monday, Oct. 23 at the University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast. The event, co-hosted by AEN, is a collaboration between Maine EPSCoR, the University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute, Island Institute, Herring Gut Learning Center, and Hurricane Island Center for […]

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Red Algae genome research featured by DOE Office of Science

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science featured UMaine research on the genome of the red algae, Porphyra umbilicalis. The 50-member research team, led by UMaine professor of marine sciences Susan Brawley, sequenced the genome of the red alga to better understand how it harvests light and nutrients, and how warming oceans might impact […]

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Heather Leslie

DMC director Heather Leslie shares vision for UMaine’s marine lab

Editor’s note: Heather Leslie recently spoke with communications intern Aliya Uteuova about her first two years as director of the Darling Marine Center (DMC), the University of Maine marine laboratory in Walpole. Leslie talks about the DMC’s first-ever strategic plan; promising collaborations with industry and community groups; projects to benefit Mainers, businesses and ocean ecosystems; […]

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Leslie, Strong to present as part of changing ocean series in Harpswell

Two University of Maine researchers will take part in “Our Changing Ocean,” a series of public events in Harpswell. Harpswell Heritage Land Trust is sponsoring the talks with experts from UMaine and the Gulf of Maine Research Institute to discover and discuss answers and solutions to ocean changes, such as warming water, acidification and sea […]

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Atlantic sturgeon

The Atlantic sturgeon’s sojourn

Atlantic sturgeon that summer in Maine’s Penobscot River estuary can be found in the fall and winter in waters as far away as Nova Scotia and New York City, according to a seven-year University of Maine study of the fish that is one of the planet’s living fossils. Results of the study are helping identify […]

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Phillip Levin

Conservation scientist to talk about perspectives, solutions at DMC

Conservation scientist Phillip Levin will give a free public talk titled “Integrating diverse perspectives to create conservation solutions that benefit nature and people” at 7 p.m. Oct. 17 in Brooke Hall at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center. The seminar, co-sponsored by the DMC and The Nature Conservancy in Maine, will focus on challenges […]

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Reading the genetic signature of the sea scallop

Scallops are one of the most profitable fisheries in Maine, with a statewide value of nearly $7 million in 2016. The scallop fishery is also one of the most local, with small “day boats” staying close to shore. Landings (and populations) have fluctuated over the years, with the latest peaks in the mid-1980s and 1990s. […]

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