Marine Sciences

Boston Globe talks with Stoll about impact of aquaculture on Maine fisheries

The Boston Globe spoke with Joshua Stoll, an assistant professor of marine policy at the University of Maine, about anxiety among fishermen being fueled by efforts to establish large-scale ocean aquaculture facilities in Maine. Stoll, whose work focuses on the “human side” of fisheries, notes that Maine’s coastal towns and small community fisheries may not […]

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The Irregular, BDN advance Brady talk on impacts of offshore wind

The Irregular and the Bangor Daily News promoted a July 30 webinar by Damian Brady, the Agatha B. Darling Associate Professor of Oceanography at the University of Maine. Brady will offer “Understanding the Wildlife and Marine Impacts of Offshore Wind” at noon as part of the Maine Conservation Voters lunch and learn series. Brady will offer “Understanding the Wildlife and […]

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BDN advances Wahle presentation about warming in Gulf of Maine, lobster

The Bangor Daily News advanced a free public presentation by Rick Wahle, director of the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine, at 6 p.m. on July 28. His talk, “Looking Back and Looking Ahead: The Gulf of Maine’s Lobster Fishery in a Warming Ocean,” will focus on past and current data from the American […]

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Darling Marine Center hosting ‘Shoreline Science’ series

The University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center (DMC) will host a series of outdoor public talks on the Walpole campus on the shores of the Damariscotta River on July 23 and 30 and on Aug. 6.  Attendees can join up to 15 other adults, in person, to learn about ongoing research at the DMC through […]

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Steneck discusses whether lobsters feel pain with The World

The World, a public radio global news program, interviewed Robert Steneck about whether lobsters feel pain. Steneck, a professor of marine sciences at the University of Maine, spoke to the program for a segment about British lawmakers considering including invertebrates in a new animal welfare bill that would ban live-lobster boiling. Steneck said determining whether […]

Read more cites Golet in story about bluefin tuna fishery in Maine talked with Walt Golet, an assistant professor with the School of Marine Sciences at the University of Maine, about the bluefin fishery in Maine. Golet’s research uses data about bluefin tuna landings gathered by fishermen and DNA analysis to understand how the fish tap into habitats across the North Atlantic to feed and grow.

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WGME talks with Leeman about monitoring lobster health after capture

WGME (Channel 13 in Portland) talked with Cassandra Leeman, a marine biology and marine policy master’s student at the University of Maine, about efforts to monitor lobster health and conditions in the shipping crates as the crustaceans travel from trap to market. Sensors that measure temperature, oxygen levels and the lobster’s heart rate are intended […]

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A large black coral along the edge of a very steep cliff that was heavily encrusted with coral and sponges.

Waller to lead NOAA exploration of underwater mountains

This summer, Rhian Waller will return to an area of the Atlantic Ocean that she last explored 16 years ago. And she’s inviting everyone interested in the deep sea and deep sea animals to watch the underwater discoveries with her in real time. In 2005, Waller was a postdoctoral fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution […]

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