Forestry and the Environment

Weiskittel speaks to Atmos about wildfires in the Northeast

Atmos interviewed Aaron Weiskittel, director of the Center for Research on Sustainable Forests at the University of Maine, for an article about whether climate change may bring wildfires to the northeastern U.S. “New England has a lot of forests that can potentially burn and create conditions similar to what we see in the western U.S. […]

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Timber Harvesting & Forest Operations notes UMaine role in PERSEUS project

Timber Harvesting & Forest Operations noted the University of Maine’s role in a $10 million grant to Purdue University led project called PERSEUS (Promoting Economic Resilience and Sustainability of the Eastern U.S. Forests) designed to help landowners and stakeholders better adapt their forests to increasingly complicated economic and climate conditions in the Eastern U.S. Aaron […]

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A photo of a spruce tree

Maine Spruce Budworm Task Force releases updated executive summary

The Maine Spruce Budworm Task Force, formed in summer 2013 by the University of Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit (CFRU), Maine Forest Service (MFS), and Maine Forest Products Council (MFPC) to begin preparing for the next outbreak of the eastern spruce budworm, has released an update to its 2016 Task Force report. “The work of […]

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NYT features cross-laminated timber research at UMaine

The New York Times featured University of Maine research into cross-laminated timber. Liam O’Brien, a UMaine graduate student, spoke with the Times about an effort by him and his colleagues to develop a cross-laminated timber panel insulated with wood fiber. “It is a material that should take off in the U.S. as long as we […]

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BDN features UMaine economic impact report about logging and trucking

In an article about the impact of the dwindling cedar supply on logging in Maine, the Bangor Daily News cited a University of Maine report that found that even though Maine logging industry contributed an estimated $582 million to the state economy in 2021, certain factors — operational costs that nearly doubled, mills that closed, […]

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Maine Public reports on UMaine forest modeling study

Maine Public reported on a forest modeling study conducted by researchers from the University of Maine, the New England Forestry Foundation and the U.S. Forest Service. The study shows that Maine’s commercial forest landowners could increase annual carbon storage by at least 20% over the next 60 years while maintaining timber harvest levels. The findings […]

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Maine Public reports on UMaine logging study

In an article about Maine loggers leaving the industry, Maine Public cited a new University of Maine study that found the state’s logging industry supported fewer jobs and generated less economic output and labor income in 2021, compared to the five years prior.

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Mainebiz notes UMaine part of $10 million forest management project

Mainebiz reported that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded a $10 million grant to a collaborative research team from the University of Maine, the University of Georgia and lead-site Purdue University to help landowners and stakeholders better adapt their forests to increasingly complicated economic and climate conditions in the eastern U.S.

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