Alumni profiles

A photo of Taylor Britt and Sarah Zachariason

Taylor Britt and Sarah Zacahariason: JET-ting off to teach in Japan

University of Maine alumni Taylor Britt and Sarah Zachariason were selected for the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program, a prestigious teaching exchange program managed by the government of Japan. Since 1987, JET has welcomed to Japan more than 35,000 Americans and more than 70,000 participants from around the world. JET participants sign a one-year […]

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A photo of Sabrina Murray

Sabrina Murray: Working toward diversity, equity and inclusion in higher ed

Sabrina Murray is used to getting questions about her race and adoption. Murray, who is Chinese, was adopted by white parents, making her a transracial adoptee (TRA). “Strangers will often ask me questions about my birth family and why I was adopted,” she says. “Because I am a Chinese adoptee, I also get questions about […]

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A photo of Andrew Schanck

Andrew Schanck: Alumnus continues his UMaine work in cutting-edge bridge technology 

Andrew Schanck from Pittsfield, Maine received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and his Ph.D in civil engineering from the University of Maine. He says he chose UMaine because of its renowned engineering program and stayed to pursue research as a graduate student in bridge engineering and advanced numerical modeling. He started working at UMaine’s world-class […]

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A photo of Jord Thomas

Jord Thomas: MaineMBA at any age

Why would a 57-year-old who lives in Escondido, California decide to earn his MBA from the University of Maine?  A sense of community, history and flexibility.   Jord Thomas had hit a wall promotion-wise at his job. He works as a production operations supervisor at a recovery firm serving major banks and vehicle manufacturers. He […]

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