
Composite bridge in Belfast, Maine

Bridge-In-A-Backpack spinoff company signs agreement with international firm

Editor’s note: Video of Jan. 19 announcement. Advanced Infrastructure Technologies (AIT), a University of Maine spinoff company, has signed an exclusive distribution and marketing agreement for North America with Terre Armee Group/Reinforced Earth Company (TA/RECo). This formative agreement will help grow adoption of UMaine’s patented composite arch bridge technology in North America, with the intent […]

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Razieh Zangeneh

UMaine engineers make waves in naval architecture

A tiny storm rages at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center. Simulated wind and waves beat against the hull of a model FPSO vessel in conditions comparable to a 100-year storm off the coast of western Africa. Watching from the side of the wind-wave basin in the Alfond W2 Ocean Engineering Laboratory, […]

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Media report on MTI funds awarded to UMaine Composites Center

Mainebiz and Morning Sentinel reported on the Maine Technology Institute’s four new awards from its Cluster Initiative Program. The grants, totaling $1.2 million, were awarded to collaborative projects that boost Maine’s high-potential, technology-enabled clusters — the Agriculture, Aquaculture, Fisheries and Food Production cluster and Maine’s Composites and Advanced Materials cluster. The awards leveraged $1.42 million […]

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UMaine Composites Center awarded funds from MTI to establish consortium, lab

The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) has announced the University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center will receive one of four new awards for collaborative projects that boost Maine’s high-potential, technology-enabled clusters. Under MTI’s Cluster Initiative Program (CIP), the UMaine Composites Center was awarded $438,046 to establish a Smart Materials Industry Consortium and Smart Materials […]

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WABI reports on leak-detection system launch party

WABI-TV5 reported on Friday’s party at the Emera Astronomy Center to celebrate the University of Maine-designed wireless leak detection system going to the International Space Station (ISS). The prototype, tested by NASA and in the inflatable lunar habitat and Wireless Sensing Laboratory (WiSe-Net Lab) at UMaine, alerts astronauts to potentially dangerous leaks of heat and […]

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Maine Public reports on UMaine-designed technology heading to space station

Maine Public reported on the scheduled launch of University of Maine-designed technology headed to the International Space Station. The wireless leak detection system — a safety system that alerts astronauts to potentially dangerous loss of heat and air — was designed by University of Maine scientists, Maine Public reported. The leak detector was part of […]

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