‘The Maine Question’ podcast returns with new video format
“The Maine Question,” a podcast that explores research, outreach and campus life at the University of Maine, returns for its ninth season in a brand new video format.
In addition to traditional audio recordings, podcast listeners can now watch host Rost Lisnet and his guests discuss various issues affecting Maine, the U.S. and the world, and the ways UMaine is helping tackle them, from a roundtable in a studio. Video recordings will be available on “The Maine Question” website and YouTube.
The first episode of season nine will explore nanocellulose, tiny fibers within every plant and tree with the potential to change the world. This plant matter, which is a billionth of a meter in length, can be used to make packaging, building products, insulation, water filters, medical tools and countless other products.
An abundant, biodegradable and renewable material, nanocellulose has the potential to replace plastic as a key component in consumer goods. It can also provide a major boost to Maine’s oldest industry: forestry.
Nanocellulose research and production is already underway at the University of Maine. More than 100 clients worldwide purchase UMaine nanocellulose for their own research and development, and on-site client trials are conducted at the Process Development Center. The university has positioned itself as a leader in researching this material, and could help make Maine home to a Silicon Valley-style nanocellulose industry, or Nanocellulose Valley.
In this episode, Lisnet and UMaine researchers explore the manufacturing, functionality and possibilities for nanocellulose. They also discuss whether Maine can be home to a Silicon Valley-style nanocellulose sector, or Nanocellulose Valley. and lead a revolution in consumer goods with it.
Listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube or “The Maine Question” website.
What topics would you like to learn more about? What questions do you have for UMaine experts? Email them to mainequestion@maine.edu.