Summer 2024 Course List

SPA  203  –  Intermediate Spanish

An integrated approach. Reading texts as well as other materials will be employed to strengthen reading, writing and especially speaking ad comprehensive skills. Includes a systematic but gradual review of the essentials of Spanish Grammar. (0400 -0990, Online, Maria Sandweiss)


SPA 490 – Topic & Individual Authors in Spanish     

SPA 490 Spanish Film and Literature in Conversation

This course will focus on the mutual imbrication of contemporary Spanish film and literature. We will read literary texts to discern their debts to film and we will likewise analyze contemporary Spanish film as an extension of an artistic tradition with literary roots. What filmic tropes inform contemporary literary composition? How do literary devices and motifs transfer to film? Taken together, what can film and literature tell us about contemporary Spanish culture? Films and literary texts (selections of poems, short stories, one short novel) from the period of Spain’s transition to democracy, beginning in 1975, to the present.

An advanced presentation of Spanish grammar utilizing a linguistic approach rather than prescriptive grammatical rules. Active, frequent participation by students is expected, leading to the level of ADVANCED SUPERIOR according to ACTFL guidelines (0990, Online, Zachary Ludington)