Office for Diversity and Inclusion
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion is a vital resource related to equity, inclusion, and diversity for students and employees. The ODI is dedicated to providing awareness and education related to the issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, and privilege to the UMaine community, as well as supporting UMaine students from historically underrepresented identities including, but not limited to: sexuality, race, gender identity, spirituality, ethnicity, ability, religion, nationality, and socio-economic status. The ODI provides safe, welcoming centers, hosts regular educational programs such as Lunch and Learn sessions, and inclusion training programs that are accessible to both students and staff. They also reach out across campus and into surrounding communities to help create a climate of respect, of celebration of differences, and of well-being and safety. Information about resources, scheduled programs, lecture series, available training, student job opportunities, and newsletter can be found on their website. For more information contact 207-581-1437 or, or reach out on Facebook: (UMaine Office for Diversity and Inclusion) or Instagram (umaineodi).
Reporting a Bias Incident
The ODI website has resources to report bias incidents. A bias incident is conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in our community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion). Bias may stem from fear, misunderstanding, hatred or stereotypes. It may be intentional or unintentional. The University is committed to ensuring that students, faculty and staff can live, work and study in an environment free of bias, however we need your help. To address incidents of bias ODI needs to know about them. Reporting an incident will lead to outreach to those directly impacted and assist the University leadership in understanding the nature and occurrences of bias incidents. This will help UMaine prevent bias incidents in the future.
Multicultural Student Center

The Multicultural Center serves a community of culturally diverse students, and acts as both a resource and advocate for traditionally underrepresented groups. The center works to empower all students and organizations on campus to create a vibrant and inclusive Maine community. There are various programs that explore critical issues related to race, class, ethnicity, nationality, culture, gender, and how best to support the success of students from marginalized communities and cultures. This is a safe space for all UMaine students! Visit them in Room 312 of the Memorial Union. The Multicultural Center provides an accepting community that embraces diverse backgrounds, and appreciates the intersection of multiple cultural identities, a safe and welcoming space for relaxation, meetings, and studying, educational, cultural and social programs, and extensive campus and community resources.
Rainbow Resource Center

The Rainbow Resource Center (RRC) empowers and increases the visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people by promoting equality and inclusiveness at the University of Maine. The RRC strives to maintain an open, safe, and supportive environment for all students, staff, faculty and alumni, as well as provide educational opportunities, information, and advocacy services. The RRC works to promote commitment to equity, diversity, and multicultural competence, education and advocacy, inclusivity and broad access, student development and leadership, and community outreach. Visit them in Room 224 of the Memorial Union or call 973-581-9517!
Intersectional Feminist Resource Center

The Intersectional Feminist Resource Center (IFRC) supports and empowers students of all identities and backgrounds. The IFRC strives to provide education about feminist topics including, and not limited to, sexual health and wellness in a space that is free from judgment and is open to individual experiences and expressions. The IFRC also connects students with information about support services in the area. The center is dedicated to creating a more inclusive future through programming and events grounded at the intersections of feminism and social justice, while breaking binaries, dismantling systems of oppression, and forging connections on an individual and campus-wide level. Visit them in Room 227 of the Memorial Union or reach out on Facebook (UMaineIRFC) or Instagram (UMaineIFRC)!