Steps to Create a New Student Organization

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  1. Check the list of existing active clubs to see if there is already an organization with your interests.
  2. If your club idea doesn’t already exist, you can begin the official process:
    Contact or the Center for Student Involvement with any questions.
  3. Clubs must have at least 10 undergraduate students who are willing to join to be officially recognized:
    Asking friends and classmates is often easiest, but sometimes you may have to branch out and meet new people, especially if your idea is very specialized.
  4. Find a faculty advisor:
    The role of an advisor will depend on the nature of the organization. Advisors may be involved heavily in club activities and planning, or only give occasional guidance as necessary. You can ask professors or staff that you are on good terms with if they are interested and available to be your club advisor. If you don’t personally know anyone, you can also ask around related university departments. If you are struggling to find someone, don’t hesitate to visit or contact the Center for Student Involvement for help and advice.
  5. Create your organization’s By-laws:
    This is similar to a Code of Conduct. It includes rules for behavior and activities, as well as procedures for election processes, etc. The length, detail, and scope of this document will vary depending on the nature of your organization. It is helpful to outline basic standards for interpersonal interaction (avoidance of unwanted physical contact, no bullying, follow UMaine rules, etc.). A simple example is attached below.
  6. Complete the Maine Relationship Agreement:
    This form outlines the relationship between the University and student organizations, certain required actions, and official procedures. It must be signed by club officers and the advisor. If there are no officers other than President, the President may sign for multiple positions, as they fulfill those obligations regardless of their official title. Contact the Center for Student Involvement for assistance if necessary.
  7. Complete the Preliminary Recognition Form:
    This form asks for general information about the club such as the name, officer information, activities, member information, etc.
  8. Complete the Student Organization Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, Indemnification, and Waiver:
    This form outlines the financial responsibilities of both parties in relation to club activities and certain rules and requirements as a University affiliated organization.
  9. Submit the Student Organization COVID Acknowledgement Form:
    This form outlines University COVID rules and procedures, as well as the responsibilities of the University, organization, and club members in terms of COVID precautions. This form must be filled out individually by EVERY MEMBER of your organization. They should be collected and handed in by an officer. If the organization is fully virtual, this form may be waived. Contact for more information.
  10. Where to Submit Forms and Paperwork:
    Forms and paperwork can be submitted virtually to either via email (PDFs, scans, photographs) or shared in Google Drive. Paperwork can be physically handed in to Room 156 in the back of the Wade Center in the Memorial Union (Bailey Lewis’s office).
  11. Interview with the Student Organization Committee:
    This interview is essentially a conversation about the nature of your club, its activities, university expectation and rules, etc. Someone will reach out to schedule a meeting after all forms are submitted.

After gaining approval from the Student Organization Committee, the club will be considered active and recognized by the University, though there is a more extensive process for organizations that want to receive university funding. The steps above constitute Preliminary Recognition. The steps to gain Final Recognition are listed below.

Steps to complete Final Recognition:

  1. Upon gaining Preliminary Recognition, you must wait for at least seven academic weeks before applying for Final Recognition.
  2. Complete the Final Recognition Form which asks about general information, financial history, club management, etc. and is very similar to the Preliminary Recognition Form.
  3. It may be necessary to change or update By-laws and/or the Code of Conduct.
  4. There will be another interview with the Student Organization Committee.
  5. You will need to make a presentation about your organization before the General Student Senate to be officially approved and funded.
  6. Once you have been approved for Final Recognition you can apply for funding at the Financial Affairs Office. Contact Information: Paige Allen, 207-581-1775

Example Code of Conduct