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Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

Talk – Damming Decisions

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Damming Decisions: Searching for sustainable solutions in New England rivers Speaker: Sam Roy, Postdoctoral Researcher, Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions and New England Sustainability Consortium Sam will talk about work he and his colleagues have done to explore how decisions to remove, keep, or modify dams in New England can initiate trade […]


Talk – Protecting Maine’s Greatest Resource

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speaker: Melanie Loyzim, Deputy Commissioner, Maine Department of Environmental Protection Melanie Loyzim is the Deputy Commissioner of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (Maine DEP). She has been with the agency since 2006, and has served in a variety of roles including underground tank inspector, air toxics and emissions inventory program manager, and as the […]


Talk – The Sustainable Plate

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

The Sustainable Plate - Reflections of a US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Member Speaker: Miriam Nelson, Director, Sustainability Institute, University of New Hampshire Questions to be addressed in the talk: How do the Dietary Guidelines for Americans impact the food system? Why add sustainability to the guidelines in 2015? What happened when we did? Where […]


Talk – Sustainability Success through Community Conservation

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speaker: Anthony Charles, School of the Environment and School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Co-sponsored by the School of Marine Sciences Place-based communities the world over face local environmental threats, whether from industrial activity, resource depletion, pollution, climate change, urbanization or other causes. In response, many communities are acting as stewards of […]


Talk – The Politics of a Sustainable Coast

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

The Politics of a Sustainable Coast: Money, Science, Democracy, and Climate in Southeastern Louisiana Speaker: Michael A. Haedicke, Associate Professor, Drake Co-sponsors: Dept. of Sociology, Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center […]


Talk – Build it and they will come

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speaker: Tony Grassi, sustainability entrepreneur Tony will talk about sustainability in practice as he and his wife Sally rehabilitated an old mill in Freedom Maine, restored hydropower at the old […]


Sustainability Lightning Talks

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Eight students will present five-minute talks on their sustainability research in Maine. Selected Presentations: Graduate Responses of potato varieties to Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri that cause blackleg and soft […]
