Kudos to Graduate Students Fox, Quiring, and Thakali
For many graduate students, one of the most important milestones in their studies is the presentation of a thesis or dissertation on their research. During the past several weeks, two graduate students working on Mitchell Center projects have successfully defended their doctoral dissertations, and one successfully defended her master’s thesis.
On April 1, Emma Fox, a Ph.D. candidate in the Ecology and Environmental Science program, successfully presented the dissertation defense for her research on “A Transdisciplinary Approach to Decision Support for Dams with Hydropower Potential” as part of the Future of Dams project. Sharon Klein is Emma’s advisor and her interdisciplinary committee includes Caroline Noblet at UMaine, WeiWei Mo and Catherine Ashcraft at the University of New Hampshire, and Aaron Strong at Hamilton College.
Tyler Quiring, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Communication and Journalism who is also working on the Future of Dams project, successfully presented the dissertation defense for his research entitled “Using Engaged Rhetorical Methods to Understand and Inform Collaborative Decision Making about Dams and Restoration in the Penobscot River Watershed” on April 9. Quiring’s Ph.D. research is advised by Bridie McGreavy and his committee members are Nathan Stormer, Holly Schreiber, and Darren Ranco at UMaine, and Caroline Gottschalk Druschke at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Astha Thakali, master’s student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, successfully presented her research, “Does Circularizing Source Separated Food Waste Present a Risk to Our Food?” on April 7. Thakali’s thesis is part of the Mitchell Center project, “The Emergent Risks of Food Waste Recovery: Characterizing the Contaminants in Municipal Solid Waste.” Her advisor is Jean MacRae and her committee members are Cindy Isenhour and Travis Blackmer.
Congratulations to Emma, Tyler, and Astha!