On Wednesday, March 1 at 12:00 pm in Class of 1944 Hall, Room 102, outgoing MHC Undergraduate Fellow Tom Pinette will present the results of his MHC project, titled “‘This Land is Your Land and This Land Is My Land’: The Role of the Roman Catholic Church in the Political and Cultural Lives of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy nations in the Twentieth Century.”
Over the course of his Fellowship, Tom has worked with faculty mentors John Bear Mitchell and Paige Mitchell to explore an area of Wabanaki history virtually ignored by Western academic institutions — the presence of the Church on Penobscot and Passamaquoddy reservations in the twentieth century.
This free, open-to-the public discussion will be a culmination of a year’s worth of archival and ethnographic research. In addition to addressing the Wabanaki context of Christian missions, a presentation of Tom’s research findings will engage with larger questions of Catholic theology, Indigenous worldviews, and the ongoing campaign of colonisation.