Level 1

EBB Humanities Badge Level 1DESCRIPTION

This badge is issued in recognition of the your participation in three distinct humanities events on campus or in the community. By participating in these events you start to build relationships that enable you to identify ways to enhance your engagement in and understanding of the humanities. 

In order to earn a Level One Humanities EBB Badge:

  1. Create a Credly account
  2. Attend three approved humanities events listed on the MHC calendar or the SPA calendar, or by attending UMaine Modern Language and Classic‘s language tables. Feel free to reach out to Margo if you have an alternative event/activity in mind to see if it qualifies.  
  3. Provide one reflection as evidence for each event attended using this Google form or the embedded form the bottom of this section. 

For each approved humanities event attended, you must provide a reflection as evidence. You can do this individually after each event or all at once after you have attended all three. Evidence must be submitted to Director Margo Lukens, lukens@maine.edu.

Reflection as evidence of Level 1 participation can take any of the following three forms*:

  • A reflection paper answering the following three questions: 
    1) Why did you choose this particular event?
    2) What did the experience of being an audience member teach you?
    3) How did the event match or challenge your expectations?
  • An “Insta-essay”
    Take a picture to document the event and post it on Instagram with a 50-160 word reflection on what you learned by attending. Tag the MHC: @mcgillicuddyhumanitiescenter. 
  • A brief reflection (200-words) on how your own ideas or beliefs about human culture were engaged, confirmed, or challenged by the event.

*Or another form of reflection, pre-approved by Margo.

Submit your evidence here:

Humanities EBB Badge Level I Evidence

A reflection must be filled out for each event, but can be done either after each event or all at once after you've attended three events. You can submit your reflections in one of two ways: Option 1) upload your reflection or a screenshot of your Insta-essay OR Option 2) paste in/write directly into the text box.

  • You can upload your three reflections here or you can do Option 2 below and write/paste in your reflections for each event.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 1 MB.
    • Write/paste in your reflection for Event 1.
    • Write/paste in your reflection for Event 2.
    • Write/paste in your reflection for Event 3.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.