
King’s research finds new genetic regulators for regeneration, media report

ScienceDaily, EurekAlert and Medical Xpress published a news release from the MDI Biological Laboratory about new research on regeneration by scientists at the laboratory and the University of Maine. Benjamin King, an assistant professor of bioinformatics at UMaine and co-lead researcher, identified genetic material previously thought to be useless as having a role in regulating […]

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UMaine researchers receive NIH grant to study flu virus, AP reports

The Associated Press reported a team of researchers at the University of Maine received a grant for more than $430,000 from the National Institutes of Health to study immune system responses to the influenza virus. The research will be used to develop new treatments for the flu, following the worst flu season in Maine in […]

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Wheeler probes how potentially lethal fungal infection eludes body’s defenses

Rob Wheeler is engrossed with a generally harmless fungus that naturally lives in and on people, but also can cause disease and death. For 16 years, the University of Maine associate professor of microbiology has been unraveling the mysteries of the fungus Candida albicans. The National Institutes of Health recently awarded Wheeler a three-year $428,429 […]

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Julie Gosse portrait

Biochemist, physicist team to see antibacterial TCS deform mitochondria

Grocery shopping can be an illuminating chore for a toxicologist. Julie Gosse, a University of Maine associate professor of molecular and biomedical sciences, has scanned the supermarket aisles for products that contain triclosan (TCS), a synthetic antibacterial agent. Since the ’90s, TCS has been in a slew of consumer products, including facial cleansers, toothpaste, mouthwash […]

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Maine Public, international media interview Borkum about migraine research

Maine Public spoke with University of Maine adjunct associate professor of psychology Jonathan Borkum about his latest research that theorizes migraine attacks may be the body’s natural way of protecting and repairing itself from toxins in the brain. Borkum said migraine symptoms may have a restorative purpose, to relieve the brain from what he calls […]

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Maine Public reports on UMaine research that links flu, muscle damage

Maine Public reported University of Maine researchers say they have uncovered another reason to get a flu shot — especially for those with muscle disorders. Michelle Goody, an assistant research professor in the School of Biology and Ecology, spearheaded the research project while earning her Ph.D. in biomedical science at UMaine. Clarissa Henry, an associate […]

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