New Consortium for Aging Policy Research and Analysis (CAPRA)
The University of Maine Center on Aging and the University of Southern Maine’s Catherine Cutler Institute have formed a new policy partnership in association with the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and the University of Maine Institute of Medicine to focus exclusively on aging-related policy issues. The new Consortium for Aging Policy Research and Analysis (CAPRA) will provide a “go-to” entity for accessing cross-campus expertise to those looking for independent policy research, analysis, guidance, or technical assistance on issues relating to aging or older people. Age-related demographic shifts are underway in Maine and across the country and organizations, businesses, agencies, advocates, the public, and all levels of government are focusing attention on how best to adapt to an increasingly age-diverse population that includes many more people in late life. CAPRA projects will contribute to policy action that is supported by available evidence, by new research, or thoughtful analysis to ensure the wellbeing and quality of life that all of us deserve as we age.
CAPRA will be led by three co-directors: Mary Lou Ciolfi, JD, MS and Patricia Oh, PhD, MSW from the Center on Aging and Kimberly Snow, MHSA from the Catherine Cutler Institute. All three women have deep expertise in aging policy and practice in areas that intersect with aging, such as housing, transportation, healthcare, workforce, and business development. As project needs require, the co-directors will partner with policy and subject matter experts at the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center, the UMaine Institute of Medicine, and in other departments across both campuses.
CAPRA co-directors would love to brainstorm policy ideas and project work. They can be reached at:,, and