Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study (MSLS)
The Maine Syracuse Longitudinal Study (MSLS), a longitudinal study aimed at exploring hypertension, cardiovascular risk factors and aging as a predictors of cognitive functioning. The MSLS is began in 1974 in Syracuse, New York, with Merrill Elias as Principal Investigator. This first project was supported by a research grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIH).The study was moved permanently to the University of Maine in 1976; and data collection in Central New York was continued with grant support from the National Institute on Aging and the National Heart Lung and Blood Institutes until 2006 without interruption. Overseas collaboration with the University of Oxford was supported by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1989-1992).
Grant support and data collection terminated in 2009, but data analysis and manuscript writing have continued to this day with support by collaborators from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Luxembourg.
With 2759 participants, the MSLS is a large database that has resulted in over 150 peer review publications, including, among many others, Hypertension, the American Journal of hypertension, Stroke, and the Archives of Neurology. This database is archived and open to researchers both within and outside of UMaine.
For more information about MSLS, please go to: http://www.mslsperspectives.net/overview.html and https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/longitudinal_study/
Dr. Merrill Elias, Dr. Michael Robbins