Senthil Vel: Research Activities and Profile Summaries

Dr. Senthil Vel is the Arthur O. Willey Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maine. His research encompasses a broad range of topics in theoretical and computational solid mechanics, including laminated composites, functionally graded materials, multiscale modeling,  computational micromechanics of heterogeneous materials and active structures.

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Research Interests:

  • Theoretical and Computational Solid Mechanics – Exact solutions for thick anisotropic plates and shells, application of finite element and meshless methods, multiscale analysis of composite materials, computational micromechanics, mathematical homogenization of polycrystalline aggregates.
  • Composite Materials – Development of three-dimensional elasticity solutions for thick composite structures, vibration and dynamic response of composite structures, analysis of sandwich composite structures, tapered sandwich structures, random heterogeneous materials.
  • Functionally Graded Materials – Analytical and computational techniques for the transient coupled thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded structures, simulation-based design of advanced material systems, application of mathematical optimization techniques for the design of material composition, microstructure and structural topology.
  • Smart Structures – Analysis and applications of a class of smart structures composed of piezoelectric materials integrated with composite structures, piezothermoelastic analysis of smart structures, structural health monitoring, active vibration suppression using piezoelectric actuators.
  • Structural Optimization – Application of genetic algorithms for the optimization of composite structures and functionally graded materials, multi-objective optimization techniques for continuous and discrete design variables.

Research Honors and Awards:

  • Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Sigma Phi Epsilon, 2019.
  • Faculty Excellence Award, University of Maine Alumni Association, 2018.
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
  • Ashley S. Campbell Award, College of Engineering, University of Maine, 2015.
  • American Academy of Mechanics Junior Achievement Award, 2005. The award is given once a year, to one post-graduate researcher, to recognize outstanding research during the first decade of their professional career.


  1. Okaya D., Vel S.S., Song W.-J., Johnson S.E, 2018, Modification of crustal seismic anisotropy by geological structures (“structural geometry anisotropy”), Geosphere, 14: 146-170.
  2. Cook A.C., Vel S.S., Johnson S.E., 2017, Pervasive cracking of heterogeneous brittle materials using a multi-directional smeared crack band model, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 149: 459-474.
  3. Vel S.S., Cook A.C, Johnson S.E., Gerbi C., 2016, Computational homogenization and micromechanical analysis of textured polycrystalline materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 310:749-779.
  4. Warren K.C., Lopez-Anido R.A., Vel S.S., Bayraktar, H.H., 2016, Progressive failure analysis of three-dimensional woven carbon composites in single-bolt, double-shear bearing, Composites Part B: Engineering, 84: 266–276.
  5. Gerbi C., Johnson S.E., Cook A.C., Vel S.S., 2015, Effect of phase morphology on bulk strength for power-law materials, Geophysical Journal International, 200: 374–389.
  6. Cook A.C., Vel S.S., Gerbi C., Johnson S.E., 2014, Computational analysis of nonlinear creep of polyphase aggregates: Influence of phase morphology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119: 6877–6906.
  7. Cook A.C., Vel S.S., 2013, Multiscale thermopiezoelectric analysis of laminated plates with integrated piezoelectric fiber composites, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 40: 11-33.
  8. Poirier J.D., Vel S.S., Caccese V., 2013, Multi-objective optimization of laser-welded steel sandwich panels for static loads using a genetic algorithm, Engineering Structures, 49: 508–524.
  9. Cook A.C., Vel S.S., 2012, Multiscale analysis of laminated plates with integrated piezoceramic fiber composite actuators, Composite Structures, 94: 322–336.
  10. Naus-Thijssen F.M.J., Goupee A.J., Johnson S.E., Vel S.S., Gerbi C., 2011, The influence of crenulation cleavage development on the bulk elastic and seismic properties of phyllosilicate-rich rocks, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 311 (3-4): 212-224 [Electronic supplement].
  11. Naus-Thijssen F.M.J., Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., Johnson S.E., 2011, The influence of microstructure on seismic wave speed anisotropy in the crust: Computational analysis of quartz muscovite rocks, Geophysical Journal International, 185: 609-621.
  12. Vel S.S., 2011. Exact thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded anisotropic hollow cylinders with arbitrary material gradation, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 18: 14-31.
  13. Vel S.S., 2010. Exact elasticity solution for the vibration of functionally graded anisotropic cylindrical shells, Composite Structures, 92: 2712–2727.
  14. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2010. Transient multiscale thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded materials, Composite Structures, 92: 1372–1390.
  15. Vel S.S., Goupee A.J., 2010. Multiscale thermoelastic analysis of random heterogeneous materials. Part I: Microstructure characterization and homogenization of material properties, Computational Materials Science, 48: 22-38.
  16. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2010. Multiscale thermoelastic analysis of random heterogeneous materials. Part II: Direct micromechanical failure analysis and multiscale simulations, Computational Materials Science, 48: 39-53.
  17. Vel S.S., Pelletier J.L., 2007. Multi-objective optimization of functionally graded thick shells for thermal loading, Composite Structures, 81: 386-400.
  18. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2007. Multi-objective optimization of functionally graded materials with temperature-dependent material properties, Materials & Design, 28: 1861-1879.
  19. Pelletier, J.L., Vel, S.S., 2006. Multi-objective optimization of fiber reinforced composite laminates for strength, stiffness and minimal mass, Computers & Structures, 84: 2065-2080.
  20. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2006. Optimization of natural frequencies of bidirectional functionally graded structures, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 32: 473-484.
  21. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2006. Two-dimensional optimization of material composition of functionally graded materials using meshless analyses and a genetic algorithm, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195: 5926-5948.
  22. Pelletier J.L., Vel S.S., 2006. An exact solution for the steady-state thermoelastic response of functionally graded orthotropic cylindrical shells, International Journal of Solids and Structures,  43: 1131-1158.
  23. Vel, S.S., Caccese V., Zhao, H., 2005. Elastic coupling effects in tapered sandwich panels with laminated anisotropic composite facings, Journal of Composite Materials, 39: 2161-2183.
  24. Baillargeon B.P., Vel S.S., 2005. Active vibration suppression of sandwich beams using piezoelectric shear actuators: Experiments and numerical simulations, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 16: 517-530.
  25. Vel S.S., Baillargeon B.P., 2005. Analysis of static deformation, vibration and active damping of cylindrical composite shells with piezoelectric shear actuators, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 127: 395-407.
  26. Baillargeon B.P., Vel S.S., 2005. Exact solution for the vibration and active damping of composite plates with piezoelectric shear actuators, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 282: 781-804.
  27. Caccese V., Mewer R.C., Vel S.S., 2004. Detection of bolt load loss in hybrid composite/metal bolted connections, Engineering Structures, 26: 895-906.
  28. Vel S.S., Mewer R.C., Batra R.C., 2004. Analytical solution for the cylindrical bending vibration of piezoelectric composite plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures,  41: 1625-1643.
  29. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2004. Three-dimensional exact solution for the vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 272: 703-730.
  30. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2003. Three-dimensional analysis of transient thermal stresses in functionally graded plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40: 7181–7196.
  31. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2003. Generalized plane strain thermopiezoelectric analysis of multilayered plates, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 26: 353-377.
  32. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2002. Exact solution for thermoelastic deformations of functionally graded thick rectangular plates, AIAA Journal, 40:  1421-1433.
  33. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2001. Exact solution for rectangular sandwich plates with embedded piezoelectric shear actuators, AIAA Journal, 39: 1363-1373.
  34. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2001. Exact solution for cylindrical bending of laminated plates with embedded shear actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, 10: 240-251.
  35. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2001. Analysis of piezoelectric bimorphs and plates with segmented actuators, Thin-walled Structures, 39: 23-44.
  36. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2001. Generalized plane strain thermoelastic deformation of laminated anisotropic thick plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38: 1395-1414.
  37. Vel S.S., Batra R.C.,2000.  Closure to “The generalized plane strain deformations of thick anisotropic composite laminated plates”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 38: 483-489.
  38. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2000. Three-dimensional analytical solutions for hybrid multilayered piezoelectric plates, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 67: 558-567.
  39. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2000. Cylindrical bending of laminated plates with distributed and segmented piezoelectric actuators/sensors, AIAA Journal, 38: 857-867.
  40. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 2000. The generalized plane strain deformations of thick anisotropic composite laminated plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 37: 715-733.
  41. Vel S.S., Batra R.C., 1999. Analytical solutions for rectangular thick laminated plates subjected to arbitrary boundary conditions, AIAA Journal,37: 1464-1473.


  1. Vel, S.S., Goupee, A.J., 2008. Multiscale design of functionally graded materials, Proceedings of the 2008 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, January 2008.
  2. Vel, S.S., Goupee, A.J., 2008. Multi-objective optimization of geometric dimensions and material composition of functionally graded components, Proceedings of the Multiscale and Functionally Graded Materials Conference 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii. Editors G. H. Paulino, M.-J. Pindera, R. H. Dodds, Jr., F. A. Rochinha, E. V. Dave, and L. Chen, American Institute of Physics, 978, pp. 610-615, 2008.
  3. Vel, S.S., Baskiyar, R., 2008. Thermally induced stresses in functionally graded thick tubes, Proceedings of the Multiscale and Functionally Graded Materials Conference 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii. Editors G. H. Paulino, M.-J. Pindera, R. H. Dodds, Jr., F. A. Rochinha, E. V. Dave, and L. Chen, American Institute of Physics, 978, pp. 688-693, 2008.
  4. Vel, S.S., Goupee, A.J., Pelletier, J.L., 2006. Multi-objective Design Optimization of Functionally Graded Materials, Proceedings of the 2006 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, July 24-27, 2006.
  5. Vel, S.S., Goupee, A.J., 2005. A Methodology for the Optimization of Material Composition of Functionally Graded Materials, Proceedings of the 2005 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan 3-6, 2005.
  6. Caccese, V., Mewer, R.C., Vel, S.S., 2004. Detection of Bolt Load Loss using Frequency Domain Techniques, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Bar Harbor, Maine, October 24-27, 2004.
  7. Vel, S.S., Baillargeon, B.P., 2004. Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Structures using Piezoelectric Shear Actuators, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Bar Harbor, Maine, October 24-27, 2004.
  8. Goupee A.J., Vel S.S., 2004. Two-dimensional Thermomechanical Analysis and Optimization of Functionally Graded Materials, Advances in Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Eds. A. Tadeu and Satya N. Atluri, pp. 1705-1710, Tech Science Press.
  9. Vel, S.S., Baillargeon B.P., 2004. Active Vibration Suppression of Sandwich Beams using Piezoelectric Shear Actuators, Advances in Computational and Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Eds. A. Tadeu and Satya N. Atluri, Tech Science Press, pp. 2093-2098.
  10. Baillargeon, B.P., Vel, S.S., Koplik, J.S., 2004. Utilizing ABAQUS to analyze the active vibration suppression of structural systems, Proceedings of ABAQUS Users’ Conference, Boston, May 2004.
  11. Vel, S.S., Batra, R.C., 2003. Three-Dimensional Analysis of Transient Thermal Stresses in Functionally Graded Plates, Proc. The 5th Int. Congress on Thermal Stress and Related Topics, June 2003, (L. Librescu and P. Marzocca, Eds.), Paper #MA-2-4.
  12. Vel, S.S., Caccese, V., Zhao, H., 2002. Modeling and Analysis of Tapered Sandwich Beams, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites, Seventeenth Technical Conference, Purdue University, October 21-23, 2002.
  13. Vel, S.S., Batra, R.C., 2002. Exact Solution for the Cylindrical Bending Vibration of Functionally Graded Plates, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites, Seventeenth Technical Conference, Purdue University, October 21-23, 2002.
  14. Vel, S.S., Batra, R.C., 2003. Exact thermoelasticity solution for cylindrical bending deformations of functionally graded plates, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics of Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, Yonezawa, Japan, May 20-24, 2002, Dynamics of Advanced Materials and Smart Structures, Edited by K. Watanabe and F. Ziegler, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  15. Batra R.C., Vel S.S., 2000. Three-dimensional analysis of thick piezoelectric laminates. Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences 2000, Volume I, Satya N. Atluri and Frederick W. Brust, editors, pp. 208-213, Tech Science Press.