Masoud Rais-Rohani: Uncertainty Quantification, Model Calibration & Structural Reliability Research

The goal of this research is to explore both probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods for representation and propagation of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties, model calibration, and to develop analytical structural reliability techniques for increasing computational efficiency with minimal loss of accuracy.

Highlights of research sponsored by NSF and DOE:

  • Epistemic uncertainty quantification of microstructure-based and phenomenological material models using evidence theory
  • Reliability analysis with dimension reduction and extended generalized lambda distribution
  • Stochastic uncertainty analysis of damage evolution using structure-property relations

Evidence-Based Uncertainty Propagation graphic

When epistemic uncertainty in a variable is represented by a belief structure consisting of multiple focal elements, a joint belief structure of the uncertain variables can be formed through Cartesian products of the individual belief structures. Evidence theory can be used to calculate the cumulative belief and plausibility distributions of the affected uncertain response functions.

Publications: (*Student, **Postdoc)

  • Dettwiller*, I., Vahedifard, F., Rais-Rohani, M., Mason, G., Priddy, J., “Improving Accuracy of Vehicle-Terrain Interface Algorithms for Wheeled Vehicles on Fine-Grained Soils Through Bayesian Calibration,” Journal of Terramechanics, Vol. 77, pp. 59-68, 2018.
  • Dettwiller*, I., Rais-Rohani, M., Vahedifard, F., Mason, G., Priddy, J., “Bayesian Calibration of Vehicle-Terrain Interface Algorithms for Wheeled Vehicles on Loose Sands,” Journal of Terramechanics, Vol. 71, pp. 45-56, 2017.
  • Dettwiller*, I., Rais-Rohani, M., Vahedifard, F., Mason, G., and Priddy, J., “Updating of Selected Vehicle-Terrain Interface Equations Through Bayesian Calibration,” Proceedings of the 8th ISTVS Americas Regional Conference, Troy, MI, Sep 12-14, 2016.
  • Salehghaffari*, S. and Rais-Rohani, M., “Material Model Uncertainty Quantification Using Evidence Theory,” Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 227, No. 10, pp. 2163-2179, 2013.
  • Salehghaffari*, S., Rais-Rohani, M., Marin, E., and Bammann, D., “A New Approach for Determination of Material Constants of Internal State Variable Based Plasticity Models and Their Uncertainty Quantification,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 55, pp. 237-244, 2012.
  • Salehghaffari*, S., Rais-Rohani, M., Marin, E., and Bammann, D., “An Evidence-Based Framework for Determination of Material Constants in Advanced Plasticity Models,” 52nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver, CO, Apr 4-7, 2011.
  • Acar**, E., Rais-Rohani, M., and Eamon, C., “Structural Reliability Analysis using Dimension Reduction and Extended Generalized Lambda Distribution,” Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R, Z.A. Karian and E.J. Dudewicz (Eds.), CRC Press LLC, ISBN: 978-1-58488-711-9, 2010.
  • Acar**, E., Rais-Rohani, M., and Eamon, C., “Structural Reliability Analysis using Dimension Reduction and Extended Generalized Lambda Distribution,” International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, pp. 166-187, 2010.
  • Acar**, E., Solanki*, K., Rais-Rohani, M., and Horstemeyer, M., “Stochastic Uncertainty Analysis of Damage Evolution Computed Through Microstructure-Property Relations,” Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 198-205, 2010.
  • Salehghaffari*, S. and Rais-Rohani, M., “Epistemic Uncertainty Modeling of Johnson-Cook Plasticity Model Using Evidence Theory,” 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Fort Worth, TX, Sep 13-15, 2010.
  • Acar**, E., Solanki*, K., Rais-Rohani, M., and Horstemeyer, M., “Uncertainty Analysis of Damage Evolution Computed Through Microstructure-Property Relations,” ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, New York City, NY, Aug 3-6, 2008.
  • Acar**, E., Rais-Rohani, M., and Eamon, C., “Reliability Estimation using Dimension Reduction and Extended Generalized Lambda Distribution,” 10th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, Schaumburg, IL, Apr 7-10, 2008.