American Society of Mechanical Engineers – University of Maine Chapter
- ASME Advisor: Dr. Andrew Goupee
- Attend meetings every Wednesday at 5:00 PM in Ferland
- Contact:
- President, Nolan McCullough (
- Vice President, Sam Morton (
Treasurer, Everet Varney (
Secretary, Marie Wood (
Coaster Car, Jordan Lobley (
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers University of Maine Chapter is proudly committed to promoting the education and advancement of its members in the field of mechanical engineering. To establish this goal, we hold a variety of monthly engineering competitions and have weekly meetings, as well as many ways to get involved further. Our club projects and events include: constructing a coaster car to compete in Canada in the fall (2023), designing and building battle robots, hosting the annual cardboard canoe race (TBD), participating in the Engineering Expo community outreach, and interacting with various industry professionals. Each spring we elect new officers to run the local chapter, and members can get involved in event planning, fundraising, social media, building, and much more! If you are interested in joining the club, please contact one of the current officers.