Kewei Xu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

The University of Maine
Ferland Engineering Education and Design Center, Room 247
Orono, ME  04469-5711
(207) 581-4136;

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Miami, 2021

External Engagements:

  • Research assistant, co-flow jet active flow control innovations, University of Miami
  • Postdoc researcher, machine-learning-driven active flow control for ship drag reduction, Chalmers Area of Advanced Transport
  • Researcher, development of wind propulsion technology, Chalmers University of Technology and Reach Institutes of Sweden (RISE)

Teaching Areas:

  • Fluid mechanics
  • Turbomachinery
  • CFD

Research Areas:

  • Bluff body (ships and vehicles) airwakes
  • Active flow control
  • Aircraft aerodynamics
  • Wind turbine
  • Turbomachinery and engine inlet

Principal Sponsors:

  • Area of Advanced Transport, Chalmers University of Technology.

Select Research / Collaboration Activities:

  • Ship bi-stable wake and drag reduction
  • Lift enhancement of aircraft control surface using co-flow jet active flow control
  • Power output improvement of wind turbine
  • Micro-compressor design and casing treatments
  • Distortion suppression and exergy enhancement of engine serpentine inlet

Select Publications / Presentations:

  • Kewei Xu, Xinchao Su, Rickard Bensow, and Sinisa Krajnovic, “Numerical Investigation of Wake Bi-stability of a Generic Ship Model”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, accepted, production in progress (2024), DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2024.511.
  • Kewei Xu, Xinchao Su, Rickard Bensow, and Sinisa Krajnovic, “Large Eddy Simulation of Ship Airflow Control with Steady Coanda Effect,” (featured article) Physics of Fluids, 35, no. 1 (2023): 015112.
  • Kewei Xu, Yan Ren, and Gecheng Zha. “Numerical Analysis of Energy Expenditure for Coflow Wall Jet Separation Control.” AIAA Journal 60.5 (2022): 3267-3285.
  • Kewei Xu, and Gecheng Zha, “High Control Authority Three-Dimensional Aircraft Control Surfaces Using Co-flow Jet.” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 58.1 (2021): 72-84.
  • Kewei Xu, and Zha, G., “High Efficiency Wind Turbine Using Co-flow Jet Active Flow Control.” ASME Turbo Expo 2021 Virtual Event, GT2021-59664, June 07-11, 2021.
  • Kewei Xu, and Gecheng Zha. “System energy benefit using co-flow jet active separation control for a serpentine duct.” Aerospace Science and Technology 128 (2022): 107746.

Professional Activities / Memberships:

  • Reviewer for Physics of Fluids
  • Reviewer for Energy
  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers